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Paul Reinheimer

The more I learn about cryptography, the more I think Alice and Bob should probably just talk in person.

Dave Jacoby

@preinheimer Even Eve would benefit, getting away from the screen and into a coffee shop, two tables over from Bob and Alice.

Adële 🐘

@preinheimer as long as they've been writing to each other, I think they've been living together for a long time


@preinheimer I often try to learn cryptography while on the toilet. I try to interpret the meaning of the shapes of the brown matter before me, I try voodoo logic, I try tea leaves, I try to understand why the toilet paper fell a certain way, I try to grasp the intricate pattern on the paper and how the machines can make it so fast and so cheap. Cryptography so far is a mistery to me.

Ramesh Gupta

⬆️ @preinheimer

>> The more I learn about cryptography, the more I think Alice and Bob should probably just talk in person.

I came to the same conclusion regarding #PrivateCloudCompute. The more I learn about the lengths Apple went to implement #PCC, the more believe users should just talk to an expert in person 😉

[Fixed link]


@preinheimer @marick I wonder if the technical implementation of the cone of silence is any simpler…

Stuart Celarier

@preinheimer Should I assume you are familiar with this treatise on Alice and Bob?



Good grief. I've been messing with cryptography on and off for decades, and I don't remember ever seeing that before... Thank you!


Colin the Mathmo

@bytebro @VisualStuart @preinheimer I was about to mention that ... It's a classic.

It's also wonderful hearing someone perform it, reading it out loud with appropriate pacing, etc.

It's not perfect, but it's very good.

Sam Wilson

@preinheimer But how will they organise where to meet?!

Michael Martine

@preinheimer though they could also use quantum entanglements and stay apart from one another.

ShawnT 🐀

@preinheimer With their phones turned off and out of the room, if possible.


@preinheimer Then you learned, that it's possible to record a conversation just by pointing a later on a window pane and come to the conclusion that Alice and Bob probably should not talk at all :neocat_laugh_nervous:


@alyx @preinheimer Alice and Bob should just go for a walk in the forest.


@mkj @preinheimer Not sure if I would trust nature either :neocat_laugh_nervous:

I recently found out about

(I really hope this is satire) :neocat_laugh_nervous:

Waaaaaa the fire breathing Kyaru

@alyx @mkj @preinheimer I mean, that was what COVID was for, it was to recharge the birds!


@preinheimer but how will they agree on a meeting place and time ?

Cyber Yuki

@dazo @preinheimer I tried to use this contraption to listen to Alice and Bob, but instead I heard a tree fall, and for some reason I also heard a monk clapping with a single hand. 🤷

Fredrik Björeman

@preinheimer This cryptographically secure exchange could have been a meeting.

Allan Svelmøe Hansen

@preinheimer Have we met Alice and Bob, maybe it's good they don't?

St Paul Zamboni Confiscator

@preinheimer Except Bob is actually meeting Mallory in a wig.

Petr Severa

And most importantly, they should talk to Eve.

iced quinn
@preinheimer next step: reading tradecraft manuals

@preinheimer I take it you haven't watched The Conversation, then :)

Emmy - Dial Tone *biiiiip*

@preinheimer the more time I spend on the fediverse, the more I realize Alice *was* Bob.

(Shoutout to all the Alices I follow! 😆)

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.

@preinheimer And expose themselves to sonic side-channel attacks from Eve? Never!


@preinheimer After meeting they would leave thinking "UGH this could have been an email."

The Janx Devil

@preinheimer And that Eve needs to consider finding a good therapist.

traecer 🍂🍁

@preinheimer their in-person conversation would likely be more secure

Martijn Vos
Do they know what the other looks like? Maybe Trudy is going to talk to each of them.

@preinheimer @raimue and this is why we're cutting home office to 1 day / week max! people are so much more secure when in the office. and the productivity! no more handshak... well, but at least no key exchanges!!

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