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Simon Poole

@zverik @SomeoneElse name_en and name_de are essentially for compatibility with the openmaptiles schema. I don't think anybody plans on limiting things to that.

The question is likely more is the route OMT took to allow any name:xx in the tiles the best approach or wouldn't it make sense to have language(-groups?) specific tiles that contain the label layers.

Ilya Zverev

@simon @SomeoneElse yeah I don't think the language issue won't be resolved. But it is an indicator of the general narrowness of the schema.

I assume, MapTiler schema was born out of the Mapbox one, so there has been a lot of work poured into it. I wonder why not use it for a start, given it's the most popular on the market.

Simon Poole

@zverik @SomeoneElse IP/licensing reasons (that isn't really a secret).


@zverik @simon There are other ways of getting the right languages available in the right place without putting "all name:xx tags" on every object. For raster maps (of a small area with 4 languages) I do language processing up-front; some sort of "global region" processing might work on a worldwide scale. There are also wikidata-based options for translations and genuine exonyms.
In my case, the main reason I went with my own schema is that it did what I wanted and others did not.

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