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Darius Kazemi

Apple's "structural under-investment" (as Alex puts it) in the browser is the main reason why iOS users on my instance have to resort to third-party apps to read posts on this server (no native notifications). This results in them having to use code that is authored by strangers instead of code that is maintained and run by me, their trusted admin. (Yes I suppose I could write an iOS app but it would take me a few years to learn to do that.)

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Darius Kazemi

Maybe I'm putting words in Alex's mouth, but the article more or less matches my thoughts at the time I was doing W3C stuff (2011): we are already fingerprinted and tracked to death. Alex points out that simply not using Tor means you are fully trackable no matter what other protections are in place. Since we are already living in this fully-tracked world, why not actually enhance browser features that will lead to better security along OTHER vectors like the one in my above post?

Andy Valencia ✅

@darius Don't forget that doing an iOS app means you pay Apple money each year for the privilege of adding value to their proprietary walled garden.

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