from alex (
Generally we think of alt-text as the domain of those with accessibility needs.
However alt-text is useful for many reasons, which benefit your viewers, as well as you, the creator!
from alex ( Generally we think of alt-text as the domain of those with accessibility needs. However alt-text is useful for many reasons, which benefit your viewers, as well as you, the creator! 38 comments
@Ash_Crow @zuthal @ipg Is "bad at remembering names" a disability? 🤔 Genuine question; I understand prosopagnosia (i.e. 'face-blindness') is a disorder that makes it difficult/impossible to recognize faces & is definitely a disability. But is there likewise a specific "inability to retain &/or recall names" disorder? @ipg Yes! I asked a question of a poster about their image and they said it was in the alt text and honestly that was how I figured out about alt texts many uses! And hey #alttext folks. Here's another accessibility hack: your hashtags should use "camel back" lettering. #AltText not #alttext . This is for folks who utilize certain listening aids: without the clear word separation of a capital letter the readers can completely garble the meaning. also for nature photographers to post the species’ names so i don’t need to describe what they look like to google- rarely worked for plants :floofTired: @ipg and on the websites in general if the picture as in the file disappears or fails to load, the alt text is shown instead next to that "broken picture" icon I don't get why it's so hard for people to understand this :puniko_angry2: okay but where is the dog with the banana on its head? i want to see the dog... :neocat_bottom: @ipg since I am very bad to describe the images, is the bot that describe the image in the first comment, a useful workaround? Or do I have to copy the bot generated text in my image? All those things. @ipg You can also put humorous or snide commentary in there like an Easter egg. In addition to an actual description, of course. I greatly appreciate this content. But your alt-text needs the heading ("why use alt text") added, which, let's not lie to ourselves, is very funny. :> @ipg "Translation. Alt text can be translated" - in the web interface of mastodon, I see no way to translate an image alt text (contrary to the normal text of the post) - actually, even the possibility to see it if the image can be loaded appeared on my server only days ago... @ipg also AI can help with alt text, show it the photo and it'll have a go. check the AI response for holusinations etc, then post the AI output as the alt text. @ipg seems like alt text is only viewable on desktop browsers. Haven't seen how to view it on phone browsers. Normally just a click/tap on the image, much like the desktop. |
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