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By the way, for people that want to play around with the #Loops API, here's a list (including request/response dumps) of almost all endpoints (I think I'm missing 3 at the moment) 👀


@dansup @h added a disclaimer to the repository to at least make others aware of the ToS.

Daniel Supernault

@pixel @h I appreciate that, I'm not worried about 3rd party access to our platform, rather bad actors.

This isn't something you need to worry about though, and I saw your toot about REST and am updating endpoints to be more faithfully RESTful, and you may notice updated `v0.5` endpoints.


@dansup @h I guess blocking would be really tough, but making the API harder to use with something like request signing would add a significant challenge (that's what most mobile apps tend to do)

in the end, for reverse engineering folks it just tends to be an additional challenge :P

and I'm sure you'll put out an officially endorsed (to use) API at some point, so this is just some fun poking and a head start for the community to build things around Loops.

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