That alternative IPC is called Varlink ( It has been around for a while, and initially we only adopted it where D-Bus was just too bad to use, and only internally. Over the last couple of releases that changed however: we started to make heavier use of it and provide public interfaces via Varlink in addition or instead of D-Bus.
In many ways Varlink is much nicer to work with than D-Bus: it's a lot simpler, it's brokerless design make it a ton faster, …
…, it's JSON use make it more conceptually compatible with the rest of the world and various other things.
It's also a lot easier to write Varlink services than D-Bus, because it allows you to handle each connection in a different process, thus being compatible with codebases that do not have event loops (D-Bus due to its multiplexing forces you to process all messages within the same process, and due to the global ordering within a single event loop).