There are various bindings for Varlink available from the Varlink project, but with systemd v257 we now make systemd's own C implementation available publically too: sd-varlink.
sd-varlink has been around for quite a while, and is quite well tested (including fuzzed) by now hence. It's already driving your systemd installations, except mostly internally so far.
Since Varlink uses JSON for marshalling its messages, sd-varlink comes with a companion API: sd-json. It's another C library for JSON.
You are of course right if you say that there are already so many of those, why another? And you'd be right. My answer to that is that sd-json is much nicer to use than most, since it doesn't just allow you deal with JSON objects, it also helps you with building them from C data structures, and to map JSON objects back to C data structures. It also helps you with higher level operations that the low-level JSON datatypes leave you in the cold with: