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When using the GPLv3 license for your programming projects, do you prefer the "GPLv3 only" or "GPLv3 or later" version of the license? #BoostsAppreciated

Anonymous poll


GPLv3 only
GPLv3 or later
Don't care
17 people voted.
Voting ended 8 Jul 2022 at 20:36.
Completely Normal Hausdorff Antonia :verified: The question is how much you can trust FSF to not make a shit GPLv4. For all his flaws, with Stallman on the board a crappy GPLv4 would have been impossible, but now, with the FSF caught up in scandal after scandal and being unstable who knows who might take over and publish a GPLv4 with questionable content.


@ta180m I used to prefer GPLv3+, because I used to trust the FSF to do the right thing, and make the next version of the GPL something I can stand behind and support. Unfortunately, while that trust is not completely broken yet, it is sufficiently weakened that I now prefer GPLv3-only.

(With that in mind, I'm also lazy, so have been using GPLv3+ in recent projects too, because I haven't updated my templates. I suppose I should do that at some point.)

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