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Simon Willison

Wrote a tiny new LLM plugin this morning: llm-whisper-api, which lets you do this (if you have an OpenAI API key configured already):

llm install llm-whisper-api
llm whisper-api myfile.mp3 > transcript.txt

Felix πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸš΄β€β™‚οΈ

@simon In principle, human transcription as a job or service is also dead.

I've always wished for something like this to turn podcasts into texts.

Had played around with opensource like cmusphinx a long time ago. But the quality wasn't particularly good then and it was also very slow. It's impressive how it has developed.


@simon Now we just also need a plugin for the groq whisper api, which can be used for free!

Simon Willison

@ame I got Claude to port my Whisper API plugin to use Groq instead! It seems to work - I've only released it as an alpha though as I've not yet added automated tests or manually QAd all of the options


@simon Amazing, that works for me!
Thank you!

I think it's pretty easy to get an LLM to write code to have the plugin stitch the json response to an SRT file too πŸ‘€

Simon Willison

@ame let me know if it works, I'm not sure how best to test it!


@simon thank you, will test it tomorrow!


@simon This works for me, thank you!
I just tested it by transcribing an mp3 file, converting to srt and listening to the audio together with the subs using mpv


@simon I want to reiterate how amazing this is, this effectively enables anyone to transcribe audio for free, regardless of their hardware!

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