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Darius Kazemi

Just want to give a shout-out to Audacity, which as far as I'm concerned is the open source creative tool that actually achieves the promise of open source creative tools. It gets significantly better every release and releases every few months, and the UI gets better and better (the key thing most open source tools don't achieve). If you tried Audacity a few years ago or more and decided it was unstable or clunky to use, download the latest version. You might be pleasantly surprised.

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wilkie (quilt appreciator)

@darius Absolutely. I literally just upgraded my Audacity a week or so ago and it was intense how much better it was!


@darius We'd like to also give a shout-out to the video recording/streaming equivalent: OBS Studio.

Being new to the whole streaming thing (though pretty experienced with software in general), OBS Studio has proven to be easy enough to get started, while also being versatile enough to do extremely complex things.


@darius im happy for how many oss art tools are treating ui like an actual thing to deal with these days.


@darius ooh, i haven't updated it in a year or two. I'm gonna try it RIGHT NOW

Darius Kazemi

My main Audacity tip is to learn to use the multi-tool. It is a mode of interaction where you can hold down keyboard buttons to toggle what the mouse/trackpad does. Learning it took a few minutes, getting comfortable with it took a few hours, and it increased my working speed roughly 2X.

Josh Grosse

@darius I've been using it recently for vinyl transfers. While it still doesn't do everything I would like -- sndio was limited to the single, default device, and multiple instances were blocked -- it worked very well for me within those limitations.

Adam Gaskins

@darius Linux pro-audio is really coming along since I first attempted to use it well over a decade ago... Watching videos by @unfa has reignited my hope in a 100% Linux-based pro-audio workflow!

Clair :vinyl_record:

@darius haven’t used it in over 10 years. Will have to give it another go!

HI :mxlinux: :slackware:

A good shout out. I've used it at least decade & never failed me. As far as I'm concerned, it's an industry standard.

Adrian McEwen

@darius KiCad hit a similar rhythm a couple of years back, and is doing a great job of making PCB design much easier

Mike, First of His Name

@darius I like Ocenaudio's interface a little more than Audacity. It doesn't seem to quite have the depth of functionality Audacity does, but I greatly prefer it for simple cut/paste jobs, or light normalisation and noise reduction passes.

-=[ dlek ]=-

@darius I found Audacity a few years ago and used it successfully to record all of my family's old Christmas albums to digital. I ripped during work and then cut in the evenings. It took time but the Dublin's were delighted to get old classics from childhood--some of which they hadn't heard since childhood--on a USB stick in the mail.

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