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James Endres Howell

@cwebber I'm old enough to remember 9/11: the first 20, 30 media-chaotic minutes after the second plane hit, before the narrative settled on Bin Laden, there was all kinda loose talk about the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which I would have really enjoyed that laugh if I wasn't watching burning people jumping outta buildings

James Endres Howell

@cwebber I'm also old enough to remember after a bunch of right-wing white men blew up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, all the pundits for DAYS looked right into the cameras tawmbout OBVIOUSLY ALL THE HALLMARKS OF MIDDLE EASTERN MUSLIM TERROR ERMAGHERD

James Endres Howell

@cwebber So yeah a voice on a telephone call to an AP bureau ZIONIST SWINE! LISSEN MY AKSENT! WE DO GLORIOUS TELLALISM GLORIOUS ALLAH! DESS TO MELLIKAH! well it has a slight aroma of bullshitulousness

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