What OS are you using on a daily basis?
#Windows #macos #Linux #Android #iOS #Chromeos #Computer #mobile #Vivaldi
Voting ended 7 Oct 2024 at 14:52.
What OS are you using on a daily basis? #Windows #macos #Linux #Android #iOS #Chromeos #Computer #mobile #Vivaldi Anonymous poll
9,439 people voted. 284
Voting ended 7 Oct 2024 at 14:52. 98 comments
@jon@social.vivaldi.net Linux. 😅 @jon Linux for desktop, Android on my phone @PC_Fluesterer @jon Me too,my daily computer OS is Linux,and I use F-droid on Android. @jon + now I'm learning HaikuOS in practice... @linuxgnome @jon @bortzmeyer@mastodon.gougere.fr @jon@social.vivaldi.net @jon This probably the best example I've seen of how much Mastodon is in a bubble, in terms of variety of users on the platform. Not saying it's a bad thing. @jon Tell me this poll was held on Mastodon without telling me it was held on Mastodon lol @jon the fediverse is so weird in the best way I use macOS a few times a week, just for school, so i didn't count it. I do use Linux (bazzite) and Android all the time, so I voted for that. Funny enough, I was going to be using windows for school, but I just can't get 11 to install on any PC that I own. (I could eventually, I have wasted so much time just trying at this point that it's not worth it.) @jon@social.vivaldi.net @jon sad to see android this high in the list. We are losing the desktop pc's. I believe the desktop pc is undervalued! And should return to more households. It's more powerful than a laptop or mobile. You can run Linux. And it's also more ergonomic than looking down all day. Hehe @melroy @jon you can use linux on your mobile, too, if you really want it😅: https://postmarketos.org/ #linuxmobile #mobilelinux @MissBehave @jon Yea I know... But you get my point ☺️. I also prefer if people use a laptop with Linux rather than Windows. Especially windows 11 is a privacy nightmare. I don't understand why people would ever use that or will install it. @melroy @jon I wonder how much damage smartphones, now being most people's main interface to the world, have done to discourse and reading. I've heard that *most* people don't own computers. And I know that trying to read any documents or longform articles on a phone is cumbersome and irritating. If someone sends me a link, I email it to myself and read on a real screen. Most people don't have real screens... so they only read tweet length content. Have smartphones destroyed attention spans? The poll is multi-choice, tho. A lot of the people picking a desktop OS are also picking a mobile OS. @jon phone: android partner and kids: android/windows/linux It's a mixed bag.. @jon I was unsure whether #NixOS counts as a Linux variant because it's not POSIX compliant and doesn't follow FHS https://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/fhs.shtml. In the end I figured that since it _does_ use a Linux kernel, that I probably shouldn't check Other. Not sure if I should pick Linux because I technically do "use" it on my server that I ssh into every few days, but I'd never use it on my actual computer. @jon@social.vivaldi.net I use Windows, but used to do Linux before my Mint got borked @jon @jon I use Debian, BTW 😉 I run #Debian on my laptop, workstation, two RPIs. Also, Linux on my bookreader (#PocketBook), don't know what distro there is. And /e/OS (#murena), degoogled version of Android on the phone (#Fairphone 3). @jon @jon debian at work, popOS at home. These results are only posible at the fediverse. I love you guys! @jon If I use Linux on personal PC, Windows on my work PC (because my workplace owns that), and Android on my phone, how do I go about plugging all three of those into this survey? This feels like it would work better as two separate polls, one for what OS is everyone's daily driver, and a second for what type of phone they have (Android/Apple/non-smartphone). Yes, Linux has been my daily driver since 1995 (currently Debian), and yes the device in my pocket runs Android... but it's not a computer and I'd never try to use it as such nor do I ever even think of Android as being an "operating system", at least not in any traditional sense. @jon Linux Mint Cinnamon on my laptop, Android on my phone. Forced to use Windows 11 🤮 at work. I even talked to IT but they said that we had a contract with M$, even if lots of us use Linux on our personal devices. They hate Win11 too. @jon OpenBSD on the ‘real’ computer, iOS on the phone. Det er mulig. Posten er jo på Mastodon. Samtidig er dette kanskje en indikasjon at det skjer noe også. @jon FWIW jeg har kjørt nesten skremmende stabilt og lett på denne sia 2022 https://steinar.bang.priv.no/2022/07/31/installing-debian-11-bullseye-using-pxe-boot-on-an-acer-aspire-5-a515-45-laptop/ Det var (nestend skuffende) lett å installere i forhold til i gamle dager. Og siden da har alt av hardware bare funket og jeg rebooter bare på kjerneoppgraderinger. Jeg bare klapper den sammen og lar den sove til neste dag og åpner den og kjører videre. Så det er iallefall mulig i dag. Nice. Det burde være enklere å erstatte Windows med Linux. Det er synd at en må inn i BIOS for å gjøre det. Tror det stopper en del. Linux kjører på mange maskiner som ikke kan kjøre nyere versjoner av Windows eller MacOS. @jon Nth in an unending series of surveys proving that people who respond to Mastodon OS surveys are not representative of the user community. @jon@social.vivaldi.net |
@jon Windows at work and Linux at home.