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Melroy van den Berg

@jon sad to see android this high in the list. We are losing the desktop pc's. I believe the desktop pc is undervalued! And should return to more households. It's more powerful than a laptop or mobile. You can run Linux. And it's also more ergonomic than looking down all day. Hehe

Melroy van den Berg

@MissBehave @jon Yea I know... But you get my point ☺️. I also prefer if people use a laptop with Linux rather than Windows.

Especially windows 11 is a privacy nightmare. I don't understand why people would ever use that or will install it.

Steve Leach

@melroy @jon I wonder how much damage smartphones, now being most people's main interface to the world, have done to discourse and reading. I've heard that *most* people don't own computers. And I know that trying to read any documents or longform articles on a phone is cumbersome and irritating. If someone sends me a link, I email it to myself and read on a real screen. Most people don't have real screens... so they only read tweet length content. Have smartphones destroyed attention spans?

Tyrion 🦜

@melroy @jon

The poll is multi-choice, tho. A lot of the people picking a desktop OS are also picking a mobile OS.

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