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64 mastodonz logistics co-op

@hannu_ikonen that take, that we were traumatised by covid mitigations, and not by the death and destruction caused by the disease and its ongoing effects, is everything that is wrong with public health practice, laid bare

64 mastodonz logistics co-op

@hannu_ikonen “masks won’t work because people won’t wear them correctly, we can’t tell people to wear masks” was a time


@64 @hannu_ikonen

Endlessly kvetching about masks is one way to do it, another way to do it is to make the NAIAD explain why so many youngsters are displaying brain changes consistent with the onset of Alzheimer's Disease.

To be clear, I'm talking about stuff like this:

Intersecting with this:

@64 @hannu_ikonen

Endlessly kvetching about masks is one way to do it, another way to do it is to make the NAIAD explain why so many youngsters are displaying brain changes consistent with the onset of Alzheimer's Disease.

To be clear, I'm talking about stuff like this:

Falcon Darkstar

@64 @hannu_ikonen at least for me, the trauma was about us doing a few things:
- Relying on the police state
- Prioritizing individual behaviour and sacrifice while ignoring anything systemic, because clean indoor air would cost landlords money
- Watching us still not fix air quality
- Fear of the consequences of catching the virus itself

Now I admit, a previous line of work has unfortunately left me somewhat inured to mass casualties, and if it didn't I would likely have trauma about that too.

@64 @hannu_ikonen at least for me, the trauma was about us doing a few things:
- Relying on the police state
- Prioritizing individual behaviour and sacrifice while ignoring anything systemic, because clean indoor air would cost landlords money
- Watching us still not fix air quality
- Fear of the consequences of catching the virus itself

Falcon Darkstar

@64 @hannu_ikonen that's not about whiteness. It is about privilege a bit though; we are all denied the privilege of being safe participating in society without needing to worry about masks, and we have all had to watch our society flail around with shaming and use of force around quarantines and masks followed by denial, exposing the probability that the next time our collective safety is threatened, our society will again leave us to bear the consequences, while maybe punishing us too.

Haily Merry

@64 @hannu_ikonen To be fair I think you can make a very reasonable and persuasive case for both, it doesn't have to be one or the other. Lockdowns were no doubt necessary, but they evidently did lead to a hole bunch of unintended consequences, people living with abusive partners / families, kids with learning disabilities or who just struggled to adapt or who's schools were ill equipped to help them do so, to name but a few.

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