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Alastair M. D. Touw

@gosha Yes! ✋🏻 I've been using the original (non-Haskell) version for years to track my expenses, budgets, debts and savings. It can be daunting if you're not already familiar with double-entry bookkeeping, but the manual is an excellent guide. I use the official Emacs mode to write entries and run the reports, and version control my ledger file with Git. Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to track every little receipt or small cash transaction!


@amdt Tell me more about the every receipt thing! What do you track? Because the UK is such a cashless society, if I'm importing CSVs from my bank account, it'll have everything, big and small

Alastair M. D. Touw

@gosha Oh, that could be a hassle! I record cash withdrawals from the ATM (and charging my Suica card) as already being spent ('expenses:cash'), and don't bother tracking most things that result in a receipt eg. a sandwich and a drink from the convenience store. I do track household expenses like groceries, though, so in that case I'd 'move' the money from 'expenses:cash' to 'expenses:groceries'.


@amdt Thank you, that makes sense to me!

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