@amdt Tell me more about the every receipt thing! What do you track? Because the UK is such a cashless society, if I'm importing CSVs from my bank account, it'll have everything, big and small
@gosha Oh, that could be a hassle! I record cash withdrawals from the ATM (and charging my Suica card) as already being spent ('expenses:cash'), and don't bother tracking most things that result in a receipt eg. a sandwich and a drink from the convenience store. I do track household expenses like groceries, though, so in that case I'd 'move' the money from 'expenses:cash' to 'expenses:groceries'.
@gosha Oh, that could be a hassle! I record cash withdrawals from the ATM (and charging my Suica card) as already being spent ('expenses:cash'), and don't bother tracking most things that result in a receipt eg. a sandwich and a drink from the convenience store. I do track household expenses like groceries, though, so in that case I'd 'move' the money from 'expenses:cash' to 'expenses:groceries'.