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Kit Bashir

Today I learned that Apple Air Pods Pro in noise cancelling mode perfectly cancels the clicking of a geiger counter. You would not know it was making a sound. I hope that this is not relevant to /your/ day.


@Unixbigot TBF, back in the old days how would you know if it was a Geiger counter or scratched vinyl/tape?

@Unixbigot ahhhhhh, why do you have Siad counter and why is it going tick?

@Unixbigot I'll trade your false negatives for my false positives: the one for my left ear continuously emits minute clicks.


@matt Just please don't tell me that *that* is where @Unixbigot's clicks went!

🟢🐰Hase Caesar🐇🟢


So on Day X, just put your Air Pods on and everything will be fine. 😊

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@Unixbigot I find the concept of noise cancelling headphones for pilots rather curious. I know lots of people use them, and that I never have so have no personal experience, but I still have this feeling that I'd really want to hear any slightly unusual noises that the engine made without something trying its hardest to hide them from me.


@TimWardCam @Unixbigot planes are well instrumented and constant noise causes early fatigue which isn’t the safest thing to have while operating a plane

Matt Sqwrl

@uint8_t @TimWardCam @Unixbigot Being able to hear ATC and the rest of the crew clearly is also helpful.


@mattsqu Also that in almost any aircraft where you want noise reduction, you're going to have *some* kind of noise reduction in *any* case; because *not* having that likely will cause hearing loss in short order. The real question is active or passive.

Where "passive" noise reduction generally means: "we press these things real tight against your skull around your ears to block as much ambient noise as possible".

What's this "comfort" thing of which you speak?

@uint8_t @TimWardCam @Unixbigot

Jessica's new Main I hear bose headphones were quite popular for pilots, even being able to buy adapter kits for the QC15 for a LONG time.
also whenever I've seen a pair of bose it's not their aviation headset it's like the QC2/15/30 with a dongle zip tied to the side or hanging off the bottom.


@mkj @mattsqu @TimWardCam @Unixbigot with active noise cancellation you can use a band stop filter so you only filter out the fundamentals and anything unusual will come through

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@mkj @mattsqu @uint8_t @Unixbigot

Yes, a crap headset can be quite uncomfortable. I've found DCs comfortable enough for a couple of hours, and I could never afford to fly for longer than that in one go, so longer term comfort was not a problem!

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@mattsqu @uint8_t @Unixbigot Sure. I've always found a decent audio panel and DCs perfectly acceptable.

skze :nonbinary_flag:

@uint8_t @TimWardCam @Unixbigot yeah don’t worry even with the headphones on the engine is STILL LOUD. there’s no way you’re not gonna hear if it starts being weird

it’s honestly miserable and i could never really enjoy when people with too much money took me on their small planes. the only good planes are those without an engine

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@skye @uint8_t @Unixbigot "the only good planes are those without an engine"

"Every landing a forced landing."

OK, so I have been for a ride in a glider once - an "interesting" experience.

skze :nonbinary_flag:

@TimWardCam @uint8_t @Unixbigot i got the licence and everything! it’s fun when you end up on some random potato field 80 km from home and have to call your club and beg for someone to come with the trailer

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@skye @uint8_t @Unixbigot The only landing-out I observed was a glider from Duxford landing at Cambridge whilst I was hanging around the flying club.

The tug flew over to take the glider home.

The tug pilot came into the office to offer the pay the landing fee for the tug. "It's OK," he was told, "there's nothing to pay, your gliding club has a season ticket."

skze :nonbinary_flag:

@TimWardCam @uint8_t @Unixbigot haha yeah if you make it to an airfield it’s a lot less awkward. (though i never got my certificate for tug launches - too stinky, too expensive, too loud, and our airfield didn’t have a permit for any kind of motor planes anyway so i literally never needed it)

landing on a random field somewhere is much more adventurous, nobody there to help you organise your stuff, no cool drinks etc. and at the end you’re inevitably running through some random town in the middle of nowhere, phone in hand, trying to figure out where the people with the trailer are, while the people with the trailer are driving through the same town, phone in hand, trying to figure out where the hell the plane is

@TimWardCam @uint8_t @Unixbigot haha yeah if you make it to an airfield it’s a lot less awkward. (though i never got my certificate for tug launches - too stinky, too expensive, too loud, and our airfield didn’t have a permit for any kind of motor planes anyway so i literally never needed it)

landing on a random field somewhere is much more adventurous, nobody there to help you organise your stuff, no cool drinks etc. and at the end you’re inevitably running through some random town in the middle...

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@skye @uint8_t @Unixbigot I hope the trailer comes with a bottle or two for the farmer! - or is that only the custom for balloon landings?

skze :nonbinary_flag:

@TimWardCam @uint8_t @Unixbigot if you actually damaged something you generally just get their details and pass it on to insurance lol, but i was never present when there was damage (either to the plane or the field). you do have to pay for a crate of drinks when you’re back home though

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@uint8_t @Unixbigot The things I've flown have had no instruments that would have told me about the engine anomalies I have experienced.

Inter-Integrated Catgirl

@Unixbigot death by not connecting your geiger counter over bluetooth


@collectifission @Unixbigot I feel like they are constantly tweaking and tuning cancellation on these things, sometimes better and sometimes worse, but I never would have expected them to completely cover the random noises of a geiger counter.


@Unixbigot Well, if it gets really bad, I suspect the AirPods will start to emit strange noises themselves. So this shouldn't be a problem.

Paul Zühlcke

@Unixbigot transparent mode - adaptive mode - where is the Geiger counter mode?


@Unixbigot @glynmoody Could you add this to the recognise sounds accessibility feature?


@Unixbigot don't use airpods pro in noise cancelling mode in chernobyl ⚠️


@Unixbigot Sounds like it's doing its job. Wearing earphones sounds like a safety issue when you are in a place that requires a Geiger counter.

Christoph Raitzig

@Unixbigot The more ubiquitous ANC becomes the more a solution is needed. What about establishing certain combinations of frequencies as warnings always let those through unless blocked by the user?


@Unixbigot I hope that learning was not from actual experience in the field!

Kit Bashir

@nicbest on the test bench in the lab, but real gamma rays


@Unixbigot Who is braindead enough to work with noise cancellation in an environment that needs a Geiger counter?


@Unixbigot Of course, there are always candidates for a Darwin award.



Hmmm... this post is radiating quite a lot.


@Unixbigot @vaurora surprised anyone is allowed to wear headphones of any kind (or is allowed to listen to music at all) in a lab with systems that have auditory warnings only. That really isn’t normal safety procedure.

Inner Visioner

@Unixbigot *reflecting on what kinda day you had* 😲☢️

echopapa ☑️


Very fine. So wearing Air Pods Pro it is safe to visit the Elephant's Foot in Chernobyl.

Davide Di Stefano

@Unixbigot I hope Gordon Freeman is not using AirPods Pro

Veronica Olsen 🏳️‍🌈🇳🇴🌻

@Unixbigot it's been a while since I worked in radioactive environments, but we used digital counters and dosimeters. 😊

I once forgot to take the dosimeter out of my bag before a flight, but apparently that didn't register. I was a little disappointed.


@Unixbigot Obviously because radiation monitoring will be a feature of future apple watches iBadClick as part of the Apple Health ecosystem.

Loïc Denuzière

Well this brings a new perspective to the infamous "Don't use this to build nuclear devices" clause in the iTunes EULA.



me, Baby PhD student in molecular biology, 1985

as was totally common using radioactive phosphorus for DNA labeling

point counter at phone which is *hot

Lab Director: meh, I've already had my kids

this is a true story

☢️Waschbär☢️ (He/Him) 🏳️‍🌈


I usually don't wear them or any headphones in the hot labs 🫣

But good to know in any case 😂


@Unixbigot Discrete clicks or a kind of white noise from lots and lots of clicks in very close succession?

What superpower did you get?

Kit Bashir

@AJCxZ0 discrete clicks. Suppressing white noise would not surprise me, but erasure of irregular spaced out clicks sure did! See

Kit Bashir

@AJCxZ0 my superpower is the ability to get up to check on that pot on the stove three seconds before the kitchen timer goes off.

David Mooney

@Unixbigot Celebrating Jimmy Carter's 100th birthday by subjecting yourself to bursts of radiation.

Peter 💙 Stevens

Hmm. I wonder if they'd be any good for quietening that irritating fire alarm that's just gone off. Woke me up it did😠


@Unixbigot Isn't a Geiger counter supposed to click constantly? IIRC, radiation danger is not when it starts clicking (as it always does), but when the frequency of clicks goes up.

Kit Bashir

@migmit the device will click every few seconds due to natural background radiation.


@Unixbigot Exactly. So, you know it's making a sound.

Richard Barrell

@Unixbigot oh wow that is terrifying, thank you for sharing


@Unixbigot I’m both curious and terrified at how you found this out.

Kit Bashir

@sanguish I design and build electronics. Stopped to do a zoom call in the middle of testing this radiation sensor we made for a client.


@Unixbigot Glad to hear it wasn’t “we had a leak in the lab and…”

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