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@aral #Briar could be an alternative, but I can't tell if it's ready for Linux phones yet. It seems not.


@eivind @aral

And what about @delta ? I'm using it on my #pinephone and I can reach all of my contacts, because it uses #email, and they don't need to install #deltachat to receive and send me messages...

Aral Balkan

@arbocenc That does look interesting. Will definitely have a play with it, thanks.

(Mind you, it has taken years for folks to finally start signing up for Signal so… *sigh*) But yes, will check it out :)

@eivind @delta


@aral @arbocenc @eivind @delta I'd be interested to learn what you think of Delta. Very user-friendly but how can email be secure? Also, how about Threema? Seems wonderfully secure to me - I can't actually find anyone to chat with. But it has a Linux client, it can be used anymously, even without a phone nr, and on Android at least it's light on the battery.


@aral @arbocenc @eivind @delta YES. I've spend like a decade getting family signed up for Signal so trying to switch them to something else. ugh. they aren't techies.

Delta Chat

@aral On top of Delta Chat as e-mail messenger you might find interesting -- web apps shared in a chat -- isn't it strongly related to web0 / small web ideas? :)

Aral Balkan

@delta I very much did find it interesting and yes, it absolutely is. In fact, we should have you on Small Is Beautiful to talk about it if you’re up for it (we stream every third Thursday… next one’s 21st of July if you’re free) :)

Aral Balkan

@delta PS. (the link to Small is Beautiful there has past recordings, although I have to get the last few up on the site still when I get a moment) :)

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