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For a programming language that is definitely not a religion, this looks suspiciously like a church:

#rustconf #rustlang

inside of tall ornate conference hall with a giant R projected on a wall

@kornel luckily they don't do duck typing in rust

Dani Pardo

@kornel C++ atendees, gret ready to to be exorcised.

Alavi | علوی

Who said it's not a religion?

Tor Iver Wilhelmsen

@kornel (Laughs in JavaOne back in the noughts)

Daniel Marks


It always seems to me that Rust is defined by what it does not do. I want to get things done. Show me examples of how to do things in Rust, rather than examples of what not to do.

I don't think C++ is very good, but at the end of the day engineers have problems to solve. Rust is not about solving problems, it is about avoiding problems.

Aedius Filmania ⚙️🎮🖊️

@profdc9 @kornel

Well, you can ask to people working in those companies:

But for my place to work, it allow us to share code between frontend and backend more easily than typescript, it allow us to make a better Kafka consumer than the previous ones.


@profdc9 @kornel
I think it's about not solving problems by creating new ones which might bite you in the ass much later. Having the liberties of C and C++ is prone to introducing problems, but you can't prevent unwanted behaviour without introducing any overhead at all to cases when it's the intended behaviour — even in theory 🤷


@m0xee @profdc9 To be clear, my post is meant to be a joke. I don't endorse the us-vs-them language wars.


@kornel @profdc9
Me neither! And I'm not even a devout crustacean, I just like to play the devil's advocate from time to time, but I do not do that to provoke people on purpose.

argv minus one


If you want to move fast and break things, Rust is the wrong language for the job. Rust is appropriate when your program needs to actually work correctly.


Daniel Marks

@argv_minus_one @kornel Rust developers could address this problem, but they don't feel the need to meet prospective users halfway. It is their conceit that their way is the only right way that is repulsive to many prospective users.

This is not considering the idea that Rust may have flaws, the notion of the Rust community outright rejects. C++ is quite flawed but at least its deficiencies are recognized.

It is this attitude that makes many not want to adopt a language managed by fanatics.

argv minus one


Don't be silly. If we thought Rust had no flaws, there never would have been a version 1.1, let alone 1.81.

As for meeting users halfway, you're going to need to be specific about what limitations you've bumped into, before I can say anything meaningful about them.


Daniel Marks

@argv_minus_one @kornel I am not silly, I am not being taken seriously, and so I will not further address this topic. You are welcome to sell Rust with your condescension to someone else. Peace out.


@argv_minus_one @profdc9 @kornel And this is why everyone else dislike the rust evangelisation squad, nothing but condescending shallow talk, and dismissing others thoughts quickly from rote memorised arguements rather than actually talking with people..


@profdc9 Please don't drag it into an actual "fanatics" flamewar.

If you'd like to elaborate what's missing to accommodate prospective users better, or how to better present Rust's selling points, I'm happy to discuss in a separate thread.


@kornel the speaker is standing on the long side of the room, not the short side, so at least it is a Progressive kind of religion


@ferrix @kornel pretty much! services being a place where you support and are supported by your peers, rather than passively listening to The Appointed Leader. (the panopticon chapel in the Port Arthur torture-prison being the worst for this)


@kornel We will replace "It's because of the algorithm" with "It's Rust's will."

Baloo Uriza

@kornel What'd they do, rent the passenger hall of a train station?

Ben Cox

@Lyle @kornel 2024: US gov issues guidelines re memory safe languages
2029: procurement regs narrowed, specify rust only
2031: rust guild formed
2035: software engineering licensing, requires rust proficiency
(2033: job requirements start listing that license as required)
2037: rust guild subsumes licensing board
2050: rust guild opens office on mars colony
2053: mars office becomes hq
2059: all rust apprenticeships include pilgrimage to red planet

Ben Cox

@Lyle @kornel
2109: mars closed to non-guild traffic
10,191: rust guild becomes spacing guild

Joël Perras - jperras

@kornel @lisamelton It’s only a religion if it's from the Ecclesiastic region of France; otherwise it's just sparkling cult :p


@kornel if you put the white-on-black logo on the canvas behind the stage, you can take pictures of your speakers with a halo above their heads

0x4d6165 :ecoanarchism_heart:

@kornel I stand for the flag ​:transgender_flag:​ and kneel for the ​:neobot_code_rust:​


@kornel As a guy, born and living in Europe, I can't see anything that looks like a church in this picture. I just see a typical "Festsaal".


@kornel If they're serving kool-aid. Don't drink it.


@RL_Dane @kornel that's not a religion, it's an effin cult, run, run run, don't look back, don't you dare looking back, you hear the chant of "ssssafety" "blazingly fast", but in the pit of your stomach, you get this queasy feeling, something isn't right, behind those smiling faces, your unconscious must have puzzled together that something isn't quite like you thought. You get overwhelmed by the need to get out of there, but when you reach the huge church doors, but they are locked, and you turn around trying to find another way, but the floorboards creak, and all you see is some guy with an absolutely wrong smile closing in on you, your mind fogs over and the last words you hear is cargo, before your memory runs full because the church depended on 800 packages and filled your memory with garbage.

From the annulls of C. Ompiler, dread and sneaking cleverness, the eldritch horror of Ferris Curabolla.

@RL_Dane @kornel that's not a religion, it's an effin cult, run, run run, don't look back, don't you dare looking back, you hear the chant of "ssssafety" "blazingly fast", but in the pit of your stomach, you get this queasy feeling, something isn't right, behind those smiling faces, your unconscious must have puzzled together that something isn't quite like you thought. You get overwhelmed by the need to get out of there, but when you reach the huge church doors, but they are locked, and you turn...

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

@sotolf @kornel

This should be a short story submission somewhere 🤣

cc: @amin

fbievan (Powered by Polymaths)

@RL_Dane @sotolf @kornel @amin

"Memory safety" they chanted. I had to run, there was no chance I was going back to that life. After the depths that pulled me in to the rusty catacombs, I never wanted to go back.

I looked up upon my church designated home... I had to get out it, and I knew it. I looked outside the small window inside my room, there was no way that everyone in this Church agreed with the Church. I pulled in a band of close friends to storm the gates of the Church. We looked outside saw the rusty city... The skyscrapers falling apart as the rust had decayed everything in the city.

We stormed the gates, and what we saw on the outsidee osasis was [INSERT PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE]

@RL_Dane @sotolf @kornel @amin

"Memory safety" they chanted. I had to run, there was no chance I was going back to that life. After the depths that pulled me in to the rusty catacombs, I never wanted to go back.

I looked up upon my church designated home... I had to get out it, and I knew it. I looked outside the small window inside my room, there was no way that everyone in this Church agreed with the Church. I pulled in a band of close friends to storm the gates of the Church. We looked outside...

Mark Pitblado

@sotolf @RL_Dane @kornel as I read "before your memory runs full because the church depended on 800 packages" I was picturing how fast all the downloads scroll by in the terminal. Feel like singing "70 packages compiled, 70 packages compiled! Download the next, this is the best, 10230 packages to compile!"

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

@markpitblado @sotolf @kornel

99 bottles of beer on the wall, but it's an Eldritch horror. XD

Radio Azureus

@RL_Dane @kornel @sotolf

Just play choir music by Johann Sebastian Bach & Enigma in background & the scene is set, with soundFX ranging from cold ❄️ wind blowing through bell 🔔 towers in Siberian winters to Friday the Thirteenth scary loops


@kornel in rust we trust, ...but crafting in C. (joke)

la gleki mlatu

@kornel all hail the borrow checker 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀

Milena Zen

@kornel as a former Jehovah’s Witness I’ll tell you: That’s pretty culty.

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