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iam-py-test :unverified:

@jiub I understand this specific toot has no real world impact, and thus I understand if you do not wish to debate this.
Firstly, the original comment states you believe it justified people other than the driver are harmed, while they may not have had any say in the original purchasing decision, or even have no say in what vehicle they travel in (i.e. very young children).
Moreover, you assume everyone knows of the flaws in CyberTrucks. While I can not support my claim with evidence, I would imagine many are not aware.
Also, since police use CyberTrucks, someone could be arrested and put in an unsafe CyberTruck; they have no ability to object, and their concerns would likely be ignored.
This also could be a rental or company car, meaning the driver had no say in the original purchase or ongoing use, though one could argue they could refuse to travel in the CyberTruck and either choose alternative means or request a different vehicle.
As for drivers who knowingly buy and use CyberTrucks...

Jiub :verifiedenby:​ :verifiedtrans:​ :verified_estrogen:​

@iampytest1 frankly, i don't care. i'm not wasting my empathy on rich idiots who make stupid decisions and their families

iam-py-test :unverified:

@jiub It is not the child's fault they are born into a rich family, or to parents who engage in unethical or unsafe practices. They should not be punished for it.
Moreover, should someone's socioeconomic status determine their worth as a person? Does someone's poor or uncaring decisions mean their life is less valuable?
Obviously, this is an oversimplification.
Finally, not all CyberTruck owners are rich*, not not everyone who drives - or just happens to be in - a CyberTruck even owns the vehicle.
Thank you

* I don't have any evidence to support this, so pure speculation.

@jiub It is not the child's fault they are born into a rich family, or to parents who engage in unethical or unsafe practices. They should not be punished for it.
Moreover, should someone's socioeconomic status determine their worth as a person? Does someone's poor or uncaring decisions mean their life is less valuable?
Obviously, this is an oversimplification.
Finally, not all CyberTruck owners are rich*, not not everyone who drives - or just happens to be in - a CyberTruck even owns the vehicle.
Thank you

iam-py-test :unverified:

@jiub I apologize; you are correct that my response, regardless of it's validity, was tone policing.

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