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@vantablack ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ fuck Tesla forever

Shadow Heart

@vantablack dumpster fires just add water. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคช

Amber, Archduchess of Gays

@vantablack A friend sent me a screenshot last night of someone complaining about the doors flying open at highway speeds.

This thing is just a perfect storm of terrible design combined with terrible manufacturing quality, and I'm kind of loving the Muskrat cultists getting what's coming to them.

Jiub :verifiedenby:โ€‹ :verifiedtrans:โ€‹ :verified_estrogen:โ€‹

@ALWETP @vantablack I'm glad that this vehicle that endangers everyone else on or near a road also endangers those inside it

iam-py-test :unverified:

@jiub Why is a vehicle causing more harm better?
The persons child and other people who just happen to be in the car aren't at fault for the vehicle being dangerous; they didn't choose to buy it. It's not like the 1 year old had a say in the purchasing process.
But even then, just because someone made a bad decision (buying a dangerous vehicle) or supports a bad person (Musk) doesn't mean they deserve to be harmed.
I am not saying that knowingly driving a dangerous vehicle is acceptable; they should be responsible if the vehicle harms someone in another vehicle, a pedestrian or cyclist, or anyone in the CyberTrunk (the 1 year old) - just as Tesla should be responsible for making dangerous vehicles.
However, one should never wish harm onto another.
Thank you

@jiub Why is a vehicle causing more harm better?
The persons child and other people who just happen to be in the car aren't at fault for the vehicle being dangerous; they didn't choose to buy it. It's not like the 1 year old had a say in the purchasing process.
But even then, just because someone made a bad decision (buying a dangerous vehicle) or supports a bad person (Musk) doesn't mean they deserve to be harmed.
I am not saying that knowingly driving a dangerous vehicle is acceptable; they should...

Jiub :verifiedenby:โ€‹ :verifiedtrans:โ€‹ :verified_estrogen:โ€‹

@iampytest1 why shouldn't i wish harm on people who endanger other drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, etc with their stupid choices? same for the other grotesque pickups. it's not like my my complaining on the internet has any real world impact

iam-py-test :unverified:

@jiub I understand this specific toot has no real world impact, and thus I understand if you do not wish to debate this.
Firstly, the original comment states you believe it justified people other than the driver are harmed, while they may not have had any say in the original purchasing decision, or even have no say in what vehicle they travel in (i.e. very young children).
Moreover, you assume everyone knows of the flaws in CyberTrucks. While I can not support my claim with evidence, I would imagine many are not aware.
Also, since police use CyberTrucks, someone could be arrested and put in an unsafe CyberTruck; they have no ability to object, and their concerns would likely be ignored.
This also could be a rental or company car, meaning the driver had no say in the original purchase or ongoing use, though one could argue they could refuse to travel in the CyberTruck and either choose alternative means or request a different vehicle.
As for drivers who knowingly buy and use CyberTrucks...

@jiub I understand this specific toot has no real world impact, and thus I understand if you do not wish to debate this.
Firstly, the original comment states you believe it justified people other than the driver are harmed, while they may not have had any say in the original purchasing decision, or even have no say in what vehicle they travel in (i.e. very young children).
Moreover, you assume everyone knows of the flaws in CyberTrucks. While I can not support my claim with evidence, I would imagine...

Jiub :verifiedenby:โ€‹ :verifiedtrans:โ€‹ :verified_estrogen:โ€‹

@iampytest1 frankly, i don't care. i'm not wasting my empathy on rich idiots who make stupid decisions and their families

iam-py-test :unverified:

@jiub It is not the child's fault they are born into a rich family, or to parents who engage in unethical or unsafe practices. They should not be punished for it.
Moreover, should someone's socioeconomic status determine their worth as a person? Does someone's poor or uncaring decisions mean their life is less valuable?
Obviously, this is an oversimplification.
Finally, not all CyberTruck owners are rich*, not not everyone who drives - or just happens to be in - a CyberTruck even owns the vehicle.
Thank you

* I don't have any evidence to support this, so pure speculation.

@jiub It is not the child's fault they are born into a rich family, or to parents who engage in unethical or unsafe practices. They should not be punished for it.
Moreover, should someone's socioeconomic status determine their worth as a person? Does someone's poor or uncaring decisions mean their life is less valuable?
Obviously, this is an oversimplification.
Finally, not all CyberTruck owners are rich*, not not everyone who drives - or just happens to be in - a CyberTruck even owns the vehicle.
Thank you

iam-py-test :unverified:

@jiub I apologize; you are correct that my response, regardless of it's validity, was tone policing.

Shadow Heart

@ALWETP @vantablack

Tesla Full Self-Driving coming to Cybertruck and maybe Europe and China / The companyโ€™s advanced driver-assist system will launch on Cybertruck this month. Meanwhile, Tesla says it expects the software to be approved in Europe and China early next year.

Amber, Archduchess of Gays

@Sh4d0w_H34rt @vantablack Last I heard, they weren't street legal in Europe because they haven't been safety tested at all, and Europe has a lot more sensible regs on trucks than the US.

Honestly tracks that they're planning on rolling out probably-illegal software to definitely-illegal trucks.

Fuck I hate Muskrat so much.


@ALWETP @Sh4d0w_H34rt @vantablack
The front of a car has to meet certain crash-safety standards for pedestrians like soft hood with body-compatible crumple zones, no sharp/hard edges. Might be difficult to meet for the cheesegrator.

If you read closely: they expect the driver-assist to be certified, not the autonomous mode. Sone assist programs are required for a new car anyway, so so news here.

Tim Ward โญ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ”ถ #FBPE

@ALWETP @vantablack Obvs Tesla have learned from the Cessna 152 school of door latch design!

(The doors can come open in flight occasionally. It happened to my father, the first passenger I took up after getting my licence. As trained, I reached across him, and closed the door, and gave the standard spiel: "nothing to worry about, the door is only there to keep the draught off, it's the seat belt that stops you falling out." But this is pretty harmless in an aircraft, where the slipstream keeps the door mostly closed anyway and there's nothing else around for it to bang into. On a road vehicle, not so much.)

@ALWETP @vantablack Obvs Tesla have learned from the Cessna 152 school of door latch design!

(The doors can come open in flight occasionally. It happened to my father, the first passenger I took up after getting my licence. As trained, I reached across him, and closed the door, and gave the standard spiel: "nothing to worry about, the door is only there to keep the draught off, it's the seat belt that stops you falling out." But this is pretty harmless in an aircraft, where the slipstream keeps the...

rา‰ustic cyอ beฬธrpuฬตnk๐Ÿค ๐Ÿค–

@vantablack It takes a special kind of genius to make something made of stainless steel suck this much

Erin :spinny_fox_trans: (they/it/she)

@vantablack this sounds exactly like something from a Saturday morning cartoon, you can't make this shit up :blobfoxcrylaugh:


OCP Executive:
"the Cybertruck is the new ED 209"

Serge from Babka


The Cybertruck seems less Mad Max and more Peeved Pete.



I wonder if the cybertruck was beta testing the Full Self-driving feature.

Bonus points if the driver worked for the fire department.

Chill Arrow

@vantablack Damn things are a pick your death mystery box.

C.Suthorn :prn:


Wasn't it Elon's intention that if someone shoots at the cybertruck with an automatic bow and arrow or the cybertruck hits a hydrant, the hydrant will catch fire and not the cybertruck?


Cybertruck instructions:
Do not get wet, do not feed after midnight.

Gelt-Seeking Gastropod ๐Ÿš


"Musk was in his Cybertruck at the time. He did not survive."

๐Ÿ‘ผ Do I win a free cruller or something if the judges like it?

100% that creature

@vantablack she getting wet on my cybertruck until it catches fire

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