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Jiub :verifiedenby:​ :verifiedtrans:​ :verified_estrogen:​

@iampytest1 frankly, i don't care. i'm not wasting my empathy on rich idiots who make stupid decisions and their families

iam-py-test :unverified:

@jiub It is not the child's fault they are born into a rich family, or to parents who engage in unethical or unsafe practices. They should not be punished for it.
Moreover, should someone's socioeconomic status determine their worth as a person? Does someone's poor or uncaring decisions mean their life is less valuable?
Obviously, this is an oversimplification.
Finally, not all CyberTruck owners are rich*, not not everyone who drives - or just happens to be in - a CyberTruck even owns the vehicle.
Thank you

* I don't have any evidence to support this, so pure speculation.

@jiub It is not the child's fault they are born into a rich family, or to parents who engage in unethical or unsafe practices. They should not be punished for it.
Moreover, should someone's socioeconomic status determine their worth as a person? Does someone's poor or uncaring decisions mean their life is less valuable?
Obviously, this is an oversimplification.
Finally, not all CyberTruck owners are rich*, not not everyone who drives - or just happens to be in - a CyberTruck even owns the vehicle.
Thank you

iam-py-test :unverified:

@jiub I apologize; you are correct that my response, regardless of it's validity, was tone policing.

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