If I may add:
tmp;dr - too many popups; didn't read
@finlaydag33k @Rollenspielblog @holothuroid my shorthand for that is “Scrambled eggs” (pop ups about cookies, surveys, etc. blocking the page), so mine would be se;db (didn’t bother) @roque @finlaydag33k @Rollenspielblog @holothuroid this could be generalized to tmb;dr: too many barriers; didn't read @alan @roque @finlaydag33k @Rollenspielblog @holothuroid Isn't that "too much bollocks, didn't read"? @markotway @roque @finlaydag33k @Rollenspielblog @holothuroid Depends on which side of the pond you're on, I guess! Bullocks works. @nightoo @Rollenspielblog@mastodon.pnpde.social @holothuroid@rollenspiel.social |
@Rollenspielblog Too ambiguous with "tmp;dr - too much propaganda; didn't read"