This is a proposal to expand the tried tl;dr standard for further usecases.
The authors propose
pw;dr - paywall; didn't read
ai;dr - ai, didn't read
This is a draft.
This profile might be incomplete.
Open on holothuroidBlog:
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Sprachnerd, Softwerker, platziert Wards überall auf der Karte, fürchtet nur W4 auf dem Boden
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This is a proposal to expand the tried tl;dr standard for further usecases. The authors propose pw;dr - paywall; didn't read This is a draft. |
(behind paywall; didn’t read) has been in use for a couple of years, so in the interest of standardisation…@holothuroid
tf;cr -- tiny font, couldn't read 🥸
dl;db - Discord link; didn't bother