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Menta :stardewchicken: 💬💌

@exocomics I think the licking (grooming others) it’s also some kind of showing dominance, still cute in a way 🤣

Bhante Subharo

@exocomics When you get a bite with all paws scratching like that, that's pretty much an "I hate you, get away from me and leave me alone," from a cat. It's not "play" any longer.

CavalierBob 🥥🌴🇺🇸💪

@exocomics Every time I go in for the tummy I hear Admiral Ackbar warning me

He’s always right. 😼


@exocomics when I first got my old cat, he has no concept that love bites are meant to be gentle, so his love is always harder to deal with than when he's being an intentional little shit. I never knew if I should bite back and get a mouthful of fur or something.

Turned out immediately walk off and ignore him worked really well

Jonathan T

@exocomics #Alt4You: A four panel cartoon of a wide-eyed cat and its owner's arm. Panel 1: "I bite." the cat's teeth are visible as it bites the hand, and its claws are out grabbing the hand and arm. Panel 2: "I sorry." The cat's tongue is out, licking the hand, and the claws are retracted. Panel 3: "I bite again". Similar to 1 but the cat looks angrier. Panel 4: In brackets, "Kicking interlude". Same as 3, but with added back feet furiously kicking against the owner's arm.

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