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Ben Ramsey

@jerry @derickr @ilijastuden @Gargron There might be technical and user experience improvements we can implement to improve the situation, but the only way to fix this for good is to fix the culture.

I have a modest following here (I had many more on Twitter), and I never see this kind of behavior directed at me. It’s unacceptable that anyone should be subjected to this, thick-skinned or not. We have to work together to make it socially unacceptable.

Derick Rethans

@ramsey @jerry @ilijastuden @Gargron And provide the moderation and functionality tools to make this easier to do.


@derickr @ramsey @jerry @ilijastuden @gargron

Veronica wanted to be able to post with replies disabled, or disable replies later if comments became too burdensome or horrible. Lack of those features left her unable to control her exposure to misogynistic aholes and has driven her off.

This will continue to happen unless these safeguarding holes get fixed.


@ramsey @jerry @derickr @ilijastuden @Gargron

At the moment we mostly can't even see it happening, due to the ways the current form of Mastodon is designed.

It's also ridiculous to say that instead of implementing the feature(s) that have been requested *by the targets of Mastodon harassment* is not the right thing to do, but rather, we should change the soul of man. So much easier than implementing a feature or updating the protocol implementation for greater agency to good-faith users.

Larry Garfield

@ramsey @jpaskaruk @jerry @derickr @ilijastuden @Gargron It's all about increasing the cost of being an asshole. That can be done through both technical and social means, and they can be reinforcing. But both are necessary.


@Crell @ramsey @jerry @derickr @ilijastuden @Gargron

Silly me, I thought it was about listening to users who are being harassed and taking our cues from them. They've asked for one feature at least that seems like a very good idea to me - the ability to have only people you follow able to reply to you.

It's 2024; we can do that. As I see it, it would involve an update to the protocol that rejected reply attempts, and have the originating server not keep the toot.

Send in the freedom bros...

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