> "One particular issue is a lack of common language idioms and best practicies. The zoo of SRFIs and ICE-9s, 3 implementation of exceptions, 3 of records and a bunch more. On possible solution is a style guide, which contains idioms, best practices for writing Guile."

@abcdw I think this is a very good idea, although I would prefer the focus be more on R7RS standard Scheme more than Guile. And it will be very difficult since Scheme is not used often enough in industry.

I have been using Scheme myself to create a medium-scale application, and I have already started writing a series of blog posts about my experience, and what I have learned. I am still in the process of revising them, but I hope to publish them in the first week October, hopefully.

The thing is, I still have relatively little experience with Scheme, only about a year using it for real software engineering. So my blog posts are not really about "best practices," so much as they are about discussing the possible pros and cons of various techniques to solve problems. I have upcoming articles on the pros and cons of:


Scheme "environment" objects, and how the "load" procedure works across various Scheme implementations


Scheme "parameter" objects for dependency injection


Scheme monadic programming, including a discussion of SRFI 247: "Syntactic Monads"

I would also love to write articles about unit testing and type checking, but that will take some time.

@SadielEd @baleine @ekaitz_zarraga @ieugen @jeko @kakafarm @mirkoh @monkey1 @octorine @screwtape