@baoigheallain 100%. I mean, I've never actually tasted the company's beverages, but have been led to believe they're fairly average or even disappointing vis a vis coffee quality, and use a whole bunch of sugar and milk fat to make up for it.
@baoigheallain 100%. I mean, I've never actually tasted the company's beverages, but have been led to believe they're fairly average or even disappointing vis a vis coffee quality, and use a whole bunch of sugar and milk fat to make up for it. 1 comment
@sinituulia @baoigheallain
Their coffee is AWFUL. It’s over-roasted to stay fresh longer, so no one actually drinks it as a coffee. It’s some kind of sweetened milky artificially flavored thing with whipped cream that they call frappachino or some such nonsense. It’s as close to real coffeehouse coffee as McDonald’s is to a steakhouse.