@rysiek It is even worst than that, as you detail it in the article. By default, the messages are not sent E2EE at all. They are just encrypted by the TLS connection to the Telegram servers. That's all. And you can imagine that of course most of the surveillance agencies of the west, have the private keys of those TLS certificates. So the question remains about the true motives of the US+FR authorities in arresting him.
@nextgraph @rysiek ok. So why do Russian war bloggers and propagandists so upset about Durov's arrest and suggest to immediately delete all chats. Not to mention the chaos in the military (who use TG as the means for war communication). They are afraid of Pavel giving out the encryption keys/access to TG and thus TG being compromised.
If TG's only encryption is only that comes with TLS suite and it can be easily be cracked by western agencies - why the fuss?