Just as an example, I find that I can't even get started in the same way. For a long time now, setting up a new project meant installing a build chain. Webpack, create-react-app, esbuild, vite. Whatever thing is in fashion at the time. But the first thing you do is make a bunch of assumptions about your development environment.
But what we're realizing is that those assumptions lock us into a particular path. And we're realizing that we may want to have other paths available to us.
But once you decide "I'm not gonna install vite", you're left with a pretty big void. What do we do instead? What's the way to start a project after you've made the key decision that you're going to stick close to web standards and low JavaScript solutions? And how do you set things up so that you can thoughtfully expand into js solutions in the future as needed, but without making a mess of things?