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Darius Kazemi

I'm on Snopes today talking about the "DC blackout" trending topic across several social network sites. It seemed to me to be a fairly complex operation spreading disinformation on all sides of the topic, entirely meant to sow discord. I even interviewed some of the people who got swept up in it for my research.

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Darius Kazemi

Here is my Twitter thread on the topic, which features a fake AutoZone, fake Planet Fitness, and a fake Wendy's, all seemingly run by the same person or group of people. (Read all the way to the end, I correct some of my assumptions along the way.)

Fire Wally

@darius Jessica just moved to Snopes over from MinnPost, a smaller indie news org in Minnesota, and I'm excited to see the kind of work she's doing over there.

Blake C. Stacey

@darius "news reporters who were covering the protests reported interrupted service during the hours in question"

should that be "uninterrupted service"?

Plugs Labradorite
@darius Thankyou for your article and investigation into all of this! Debunking stuff is really important work and the article sums up the issues and events really well. :D

@darius I actually remember setting my VPN to DC and having no trouble

I was more confused and unsure about that than anything else

DNA Levity

@darius thanks for your efforts. Avoiding the spread of malicious divisive disinformation is a big part of why I created this instance, A space where kindness is core to all our interactions.

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