@GIMP … can we get that name changed by 4.0.0 ? 😀
Thanks for this view. It’s pretty rude to reply in a different language, but hey that’s what Google Translate is for. In the wider world beyond the Linux and tech sphere, few people know the software name and *do* wonder what the heck?! when they encounter it. I’ve seen this happen with family members and friends. It’s not a bad thing to change things like this, but I’m sure the project has heard it all before @phenrypereira @GIMP also I think you be missing some context of the use of the word in different English speaking localities: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/gimp It’s the use as a slur on disabled people, that makes it an odd name to explain to folks new to Linux and open source software. |
@dave @GIMP Uma parcela pífia de pessoas sabem o que é o outro gimp (não o GNU Image Manipulation Program). Na internet pouquíssimo se encontra sobre de tanto que o software sobrepôs a prática de sadomasoquismo. Não faz sentido um software com quase 30 anos de existência mudar de nome por uma coincidência dessa que menos de 1% do planeta sabe da existência.