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Brodie Robertson

Not only for accessibility reasons but if there are English subtitles available do you use them?

Anonymous poll


On occasion
171 people voted.
Voting ended 22 August at 4:06.
πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ single use plastique πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ personally i i'll always use the subs if available, sometimes it's not clear what they say, and having the option to read helps you stay awake during boring parts because you have something to do not just passively watching


@BrodieOnLinux Movies these days: whisper whisper whisper BANG SHOUTING!

On occasion they are used in order to understand what all the whispering is about while also protecting the cat from severe trauma.

Muelsyse πŸ› οΈ

When I was a kid, I would turn on the subtitles of english shows to malay so I could learn english. That habit has never left me even with Youtube videos on English subs. However, I do avoid auto-generated subs because they can be inaccurate and disorientating.

Edit: I hate that YouTube removed the ability to add community subtitles.

Jonah Aragon

@BrodieOnLinux for movies/TV, yes for pretty much anything produced after ~2005 which is when I believe both the art of sound mixing died and actors wrongly began to think that mumbling made things more realistic. For YouTube, pretty rarely because half the time it switches itself back to auto-generated nonsense.


@BrodieOnLinux Isn't the only reason to use subtitles for accessibility reasons? If I can't hear dialogue because it's mumbled or mixed poorly for TV speakers, subtitles help make the dialogue accessible to me.

Maybe I'm missing something though.


@nth_project @BrodieOnLinux I'm not sure if this counts as accessibility, but for me reading and hearing the words helps the dialogue sink into my memory a bit better. :ablobcatnod:


@BrodieOnLinux On your videos, no. But I use it occasionally for other people's videos.

Victor 4X6GP

@BrodieOnLinux I voted No because I assumed you were talking about youtube, where they usually suck. But if I'm watching a British TV series, then almost always.

Brodie Robertson

@4X6GP I'm just talking generally but I get the confusion

OrbitalMartian :GoToSocial:

@BrodieOnLinux I only use subtitles when the content isn’t in English or if it’s hard to hear what is being said. Purely because my brain is too small to comprehend another language (despite me trying 10 times with different languages).


I vote no cause my ears still need training in english and listen different accents helps me with that


@BrodieOnLinux English is my 3rd language, but I use subitles if I can't put volume up enough or the sound quality is less than what my ears demands.

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