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Peter du Toit


Car parks with space for 80 cars or more are now required by law to be covered with solar panels.

- Parks between 80-400 spaces have 5 years to comply
- Parks with spaces of 400+ have 3 years to comply

This will result in about 11 gigawatts of power.

This should be required everywhere!

#ClimateCrisis #Mitigation #Electrification


@LukePhilipps @peterdutoit

Catchy headlines by The Guardian but the reality might be slightly different.

The application decree has been voted 13 months later - and as of May 2024, a pool of distribution companies (Auchan, Carrefour, E. Leclerc, Lidl, Intermarché) are challenging the Senate's decision in court, asking for a 2 years extension.

Source (French):

Another BS law by Macron's (vacant) government...

@LukePhilipps @peterdutoit

Catchy headlines by The Guardian but the reality might be slightly different.

The application decree has been voted 13 months later - and as of May 2024, a pool of distribution companies (Auchan, Carrefour, E. Leclerc, Lidl, Intermarché) are challenging the Senate's decision in court, asking for a 2 years extension.

Peter du Toit

Here is a car park in Pretoria, South Africa. This is really a no brainer.



This law came into force on 1st of July 2023.

IIRC, parking spaces for 80 or more *staff* must comply with the 3 years timeline as well.

Glen Turner (VK5TU)

@peterdutoit It's a thing at Australian shopping centres. The new thing is a big battery to time-shift the generation so that the centre's entire power bill is $0.

Mastodonschmetterling 🦋🤍 ☮️

@peterdutoit Und kann man unter diesen Solarplatten gleich Ladestationen für E-Autos platzieren? Der Strom der gerade gemacht wird, ginge dann wirklich in die E-Autos. Wäre dies technisch möglich?

Margret Kuarell

@peterdutoit or, you stack them and even plant some plants ... or: get rid of cars instead of creating lame excuses, you don't need cars to place solar panels

there even would be wildlife ... f*** cars

Peter du Toit

@greensofshade yeah we have to work what is*already* there.

Of course, as you say we don’t need that many cars, but it would take a while to remove them from the system. In the meantime this is a great way to continue with electrification

Margret Kuarell

@peterdutoit building more parking lots? Finding excuses to keep them?

no ... i don't think so?


@greensofshade @peterdutoit Surely since this makes car parks more expensive to build, it will actually *discourage* building more car parks. And any that are already there but not generating enough income to justify covering them with panels will also need to be decommissioned.

Of course I’m hoping for more solar panels from this, but we should also see fewer car parks out of it, so if that’s your priority (and it’s a good one) then you should be happy?


@johnaldis @greensofshade @peterdutoit

Good point, but if that's the case and car parks are discouraged, it'll be interesting to see the ultimate effect on car users and how they lobby governments.

Frankly, I think we need to tackle car production and our car mind-set at the same time as solar panels for car parks.

Frank Burgenstein

And to have it as a legal norm would be helping very much and I'd love to have it in Germany as well.

Biggest employer in my village decided to extend their parking for their staff. As they are also the biggest tax payer this request was approved by the municipality. So land was purchased from a farmer and farm land converted to a car park.
One political party came with "should we not demand the company to erect photovoltaic panels on top of the car park" but the major and the other parties did not want to cause the extra expenditure for the company (did I mention they are the biggest tax payer?) and now we have a car park without PV.

In my humble opinion this option should not exist. Learn from France!

Your solid state of neo-Luddism is not helpful for this discussion I think. We need to transform energy sources to renewable energies in order to decarbonise and we need to do that at a large scale very quickly.

Demanding "no cars" and "wildlife" in an industrial compound in Pretoria - well, polite Englishmen would say *nice idea* 👋

#ClimateCrisis #Mitigation #Electrification

And to have it as a legal norm would be helping very much and I'd love to have it in Germany as well.

Biggest employer in my village decided to extend their parking for their staff. As they are also the biggest tax payer this request was approved by the municipality. So land was purchased from a farmer and farm land converted to a car park.
One political party came with "should we not demand the company to erect photovoltaic panels on top of the car park" but the major...


@peterdutoit should be a no-brainer and it's wonderful to see it implemented systematically in France, of all places.



@peterdutoit now get rid of the car parking and build apartments under the solar panels

Eveline Sulman

@peterdutoit great idea, with the extra advantage that your car will be in the shadow and will not be too hot to sit in!

So Julia

@peterdutoit It also benefits drivers by providing shade. It’s a win-win!


@catnip Would be nice if we could stop pandering to drivers. Can we finally get more public transport, so we can get rid of parking lots and turn them into something useful?


@peterdutoit Meanwhile in the UK, solar “farms” covering remaining greenbelt that has not already been built on seem to be all the rage


@peterdutoit The (small, 1-3 planes a day) airport I fly to in France to visit my mother did this a couple of years back. Now the entire airport is powered from the panels and they’re putting electricity back into the grid. The latter was important a couple of years back when they had to turn off some nuclear power plants because the drought meant that there was insufficient water to cool them, so every Watt mattered (they were also running the UK to France link at full capacity).

The government has also mandated FTTP for all properties. There are a lot of nice villages and small towns in the area that have empty houses and populations mostly above retirement age. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they start filling up with remote workers, which should reduce the demand on new housing in big urban areas and on overtaxed infrastructure. I wouldn’t be surprised if this policy has a bigger environmental impact that the solar panel mandate over 20 years.

@peterdutoit The (small, 1-3 planes a day) airport I fly to in France to visit my mother did this a couple of years back. Now the entire airport is powered from the panels and they’re putting electricity back into the grid. The latter was important a couple of years back when they had to turn off some nuclear power plants because the drought meant that there was insufficient water to cool them, so every Watt mattered (they were also running the UK to France link at full capacity).

F4GRX Sébastien

@peterdutoit it makes NO SENSE above Toulouse. Ok maybe Clermont Ferrand. That will be a HUGE money loss for extremely low production level. Did EELV invent this? Or the chinese business association in france?

Force this on *any roofrop* in the southern half of France and I'll rejoice. Over all france, it's just 🤡

F4GRX Sébastien

@jeronim @peterdutoit i would like to see ratios of solar generated power versus installed power. These are never shown. Installed power means *nothing*


@f4grx @jeronim @peterdutoit the raw data (generated power, sometime installed power) is often published by grid operators. is a decent aggregator of that data worldwide

Frank Burgenstein

North of Clermont Ferrand sun is not shining?
Gosh, I did not know this before.

I live in the area of Frankfurt, Germany which is substantially north of Clermont Ferrand. PV on my house since 2007. Why do you tell me only now it doesn't work, should have put it down years ago


Luc Stroobant

@f4grx @peterdutoit why? Belgium and holland have plenty of solar production. The 18 panels on my small city roof (east/west orientation with some shadow) produced more than 1000kwh since end of june.

F4GRX Sébastien

@stroobl @peterdutoit show me ratio of generated solar versus installed solar.

Luc Stroobant

@f4grx @peterdutoit 7500wp in my case. Do you think people and companies would invest in solar if there’s no profit? My installation will be profitable after 6 to 7 year max. (without subsidies, estimated 4 years with)

James Kierstead

@peterdutoit My only hesitation would be: is this driving down provision of car parks by driving up the price of new ones being produced?


@peterdutoit This makes sense. Shade for cars underneath and power generation.


@peterdutoit Roofs. Wasted space. Every building should be covered with solar panels.

Peter du Toit

@mora I think they passed this law for new commercial buildings in 2015 already.

However a retrofit campaign won’t do any harm that is for sure.

Petra van Cronenburg

@mora In France, we have *both*. The state pays subsidies if you build solar panels on your roof.
And factories do it, too:

Even in my very rural region, a small centre of workshops has build an immense solar roof for all. Farmers build it on big barns.


@peterdutoit this is great not only for the climate but also for car users, meaning those treasured spots in the shade will be much easier to find.

Eric Branse-Instone

@peterdutoit Driving in Europe last month we parked under solar panels a couple of times. If you have otherwise dead space of carparks it makes sense to have panels above, with shade they cast being an additional benefit.

Peter du Toit

@EricBranse how much EV charging capability did you see under the ones you parked under?

Eric Branse-Instone

@peterdutoit no idea quite honestly. The whole car park was covered. Scorching hot day both times so was very glad of the shade. First one was at IKEA at Hengelo, Netherlands. Can't remember where the other one was (Germany somewhere).

Petra van Cronenburg

@peterdutoit I can't say you how much per place but every covered parking space has a certain number of charging stations.

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@peterdutoit Hmm. If such a rule were introduced in the UK there would suddenly be lots of 79-space car parks. Some of them would even be right next door to each other.

Stingray's Badger Friend

@TimWardCam @peterdutoit

We could cut the loophole possibility and make it for every staff or public car park no matter the size?

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@StingrayBadger @peterdutoit That's the sort of thing you have to think about when writing regulations, yes.


also can't forget about how almost all the parking in the shade as well so you don't have to return to a car hot enough to bake bread in.


@LiefhebberV @peterdutoit and with snow it'll be easier to find your car. I hope they will do this everywhere!

Ed am Bodensee

@peterdutoit Tolle Idee! Sollte überall verlangt werden.


@peterdutoit Go France. How do they keep showing us how it's done

Matias Nice! :D What do they do with the electricity? Or is that up to the owner?


@peterdutoit such a good idea. Prevents cars from getting hot too.


@peterdutoit I'd so wish I could work these companies. I'd work weekend even :)

Stoneface Vimes

@peterdutoit yes. I first heard of this a few years ago when I read that a car park in Australia had done it. I thought at the time "I bet everyone will be onto this" and I've been puzzled why it's not been spreading all round the world. Staggering that every factory, warehouse, school, hospital, car park etc isn't being covered in panels already.

mori_au 🇦🇺

@peterdutoit Brilliant! #AusPol, get into this in our sunburnt country

Peter du Toit

@mori_au I see there are some examples of this already eg this one in Adelaide

@peterdutoit also great for keeping your car cooler!

@peterdutoit Hopefully these are batteries included ...


@peterdutoit this is great news , although I hope there are caveats for car parks already planted with trees. It wouldnt be great if car park owners were forced to cut down trees to put solar panels.


@peterdutoit might also lead to a slight reduction of heat exhaustion cases and traffic accidents, since cars in the shade don't get as hot as those in the sun :D


@peterdutoit Not only does it generate cheap power, but it keeps your car from becoming an oven, which in an increasingly hot world is important too

sarah 🦦

@peterdutoit the car park at local supermarket is already covered with solar panels



Even as a car owner you'd want this as it provides shade for your parked car, making it less of an oven when you get in.

Petra van Cronenburg

@peterdutoit "now" - this law was enabled in 2022 and many of these solar spaces are already built. In my region, a hypermarket parking space supplies the surrounding supermarkets and a huge residential neighbourhood with electricity.
The only problem is that it takes a little longer because the demand for solar systems is immense. And these are special constructions. An example from 2022: or here:

@peterdutoit "now" - this law was enabled in 2022 and many of these solar spaces are already built. In my region, a hypermarket parking space supplies the surrounding supermarkets and a huge residential neighbourhood with electricity.
The only problem is that it takes a little longer because the demand for solar systems is immense. And these are special constructions. An example from 2022: or here: ...



In places like Houston just shading the cars would save energy so it's a double win.

Mx Amber Alex

@peterdutoit Google tells me France requires about 445 terawatt hours of electricity per year. Divided through (365 × 24) that results in about 50 gigawatts used, on average, at any point during the day and year.

So 11 GW from car parks would cover almost a quarter of France's power consumption.

Of course these are all averages and power consumption varies wildly between day and night, summer and winter, etc.

But huge if true.

Do those numbers sound about right or did I miscalculate somewhere?


@peterdutoit You can oblige. Who will pay for the construction and operation?

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