@peterdutoit The (small, 1-3 planes a day) airport I fly to in France to visit my mother did this a couple of years back. Now the entire airport is powered from the panels and they’re putting electricity back into the grid. The latter was important a couple of years back when they had to turn off some nuclear power plants because the drought meant that there was insufficient water to cool them, so every Watt mattered (they were also running the UK to France link at full capacity).

The government has also mandated FTTP for all properties. There are a lot of nice villages and small towns in the area that have empty houses and populations mostly above retirement age. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they start filling up with remote workers, which should reduce the demand on new housing in big urban areas and on overtaxed infrastructure. I wouldn’t be surprised if this policy has a bigger environmental impact that the solar panel mandate over 20 years.