And to have it as a legal norm would be helping very much and I'd love to have it in Germany as well.

Biggest employer in my village decided to extend their parking for their staff. As they are also the biggest tax payer this request was approved by the municipality. So land was purchased from a farmer and farm land converted to a car park.
One political party came with "should we not demand the company to erect photovoltaic panels on top of the car park" but the major and the other parties did not want to cause the extra expenditure for the company (did I mention they are the biggest tax payer?) and now we have a car park without PV.

In my humble opinion this option should not exist. Learn from France!

Your solid state of neo-Luddism is not helpful for this discussion I think. We need to transform energy sources to renewable energies in order to decarbonise and we need to do that at a large scale very quickly.

Demanding "no cars" and "wildlife" in an industrial compound in Pretoria - well, polite Englishmen would say *nice idea* 👋

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