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Someone hacked into my computer and made it launch 500 copies of DOSBox.

That's right. It's a DOS attack.


@foone good thing it wasn't from Digital Research or it would have been a DrDOS attack

Thomas Beagle

@alexhammy @foone If its Digital Research, don't you mean it's literally a Concurrent DOS attack?

Thomas Beagle

@alexhammy Yeah, but mine is funnier because it's referring to it running multiple versions of DOS concurrently! :)

"DR-DOS was developed by Gary A. Kildall's Digital Research and derived from Concurrent PC DOS 6.0"


@foone need to run DOS on a Hadoop cluster to make it distributed

Come On Giant Asteroid!


Are you Twitter?!?! Because that's what happened to Twitter! mElon said so!


@foone someone once hacked mine so it wouldn't boot up. Would get past BIOS and lock up.......

It was a DOSDOS

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