@frameworkcomputer will individual replacement key caps be on sale for FW13? @frameworkcomputer Beautiful. This is probably the least consequential thing I have strong feelings about lol @alphasixtyfive @alphasixtyfive @gom @2d @frameworkcomputer What about 3? I vote for n nipples that can be placed between any combination of keys. @mattgriffin @frameworkcomputer 🎶 all things considered I couldn't be better I must say! 🎶 I'm waiting for you to start selling with Linux preinstalled. It would eliminate the biggest hindrance for people on the edge of trying and moving to Linux from Windows. @delosmzp @frameworkcomputer Probably not worth it as Linux users tend to have strong opinions on which distribution and desktop environment they prefer, especially the ones who buy a tinker-friendly laptop. Whichever combination(s) you offer, you'll only reach a really small amount of customers. Read my comment again. For people on the edge. It implies these people are brand new to Linux and would want an easy way to move to Linux - and installing is the biggest hindrance for anyone. Basic distros like Mint or Pop OS or Ubuntu works best given the support available. Hopefully not Pop!_OS since it is moving to a very WIP alpha DE that is not for beginners at all, but Ubuntu and Fedora are officially supported so it would probably be one of those @gloopsies I wouldn’t think it’s not for beginners at all. It’s quite easy to use and get a hang off. And it’ll be a while before Cosmic DE becomes available to the general public. It is a new and not very well tested project and the alternative is a very very outdated Gnome experience @cameo007 @delosmzp @frameworkcomputer Either Ubuntu or (preferably) @fedora since those are officially supported by Framework @wheeze_NL not necessarily. They can install after the order has been placed. What you’re suggesting is not how it works. @wheeze_NL As far I understand, if they did custom Linux preinstalls for select distros, they would have the customer order and then put together the device with the latest distro version available and then pack it. This would be time consuming and potentially pricier. But we wouldn't have to pay for Windows so it could balance out. Several ways to go about it and can be done differently too but this is how I envision them doing it if they did. @frameworkcomputer on the topic of keyboards: How the heck did it happen, that on the german FW13 you translated one of the "ctrl" keys into "strg", but didn't translate the other? It's such an interesting quirk, that I only noticed after over a year of daily usage @skaverat @frameworkcomputer wow thanks for pointing that out now i see all of the weird mixed language stuff on there xD @skaverat @frameworkcomputer I had to read this twice. Then I looked at my own Framework. I have mine for around half a year now and didn't notice this. @cbleslie @frameworkcomputer Then you'd be almost able to replace Ctrl+Alt+Del with a Jim Bowen (Great+Super+Smashing) @arack99 Interesting. Do you use a physical dvorak layout? I personally found it disastrous as just enough software doesn’t work with non-qwerty layouts, and I forgot where the qwerty keys were by touch within months. (I tried dvorak to fix wrist issues, and it worked immediately and *great* for 20 years now.) @slembcke Depends what you mean by physical.. I don't use hard wired for dvorak, just custom key caps where I can. I prefer using a software keymap so I can easily toggle to qwerty for a few things (CAD & gaming). I think I'm at just about 20 years in myself. I can still type qwerty when needed, just slower. @frameworkcomputer Oh come on! You guys only have to post one word to get hundreds of stars and countless boosts? Seems like you've done it,- you're hyped. ;-) @frameworkcomputer as a german, since "alt" is german for "old" and "super" is also super in german, it is difficult for me to NOT read "super old" there xD @frameworkcomputer If only I would have waited 16 months… :p totally would have gotten one haha. @frameworkcomputer How about a keyboard with a compose key and control instead of caps lock next to the “A”? @prahou @frameworkcomputer I swear my X31 is French, I must check it for these glyphs @frameworkcomputer Definitely getting the keyboard layout with this once I'm able to get a Framework Laptop 13, and y'all can ship to South Africa! @frameworkcomputer I would like to propose an ultra rare, foil, full holo "soup" key that will randomly be shipped in place of the "super" key @fxk8y @frameworkcomputer Yeah but you don't know you're getting it, like buying a pack of cards. Laptops should be sold in giant card booster packs of ten so that Linux users can go "alright, good, three with Nvidia graphics. Next three have AMD graphics & Intel CPU, one is foil. Next three plain with extra CPU cores. Holy shit the last one is reverse foil with holo 'soup' key!" @frameworkcomputer #UltraNav-Style #Trackpoint - when? I'm shure the folks at #Sprintek can build it... @frameworkcomputer Amazing! I'm so happy that I can order a Framework Laptop 13 with the International English Linux keyboard now. This makes at least 3 companies that ship new production laptops with Super keys that ship easily in the USA: Framework, System76, and Purism. |