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Jakob Thoböll - R.I.P. Natenom

@davidrevoy might add "Rawtherapee" or "Darktable" to the List as a replacement for Adobe lightroom. And I can highly recommend the webpage in case newbies are looking for alternative solutions for their problems

David Revoy

@jakob_thoboell Hey, it's a slide from my Bio, explaining a change I made in my life back in 2009. Not an 'alternative to' talk.

I was a pro digital painter/illustrator at that time, Photoshop teacher in CG high school and concept artist. I wasn't using Photographer software.

The aim of this slide is to show what was my decision back at this time, after an issue with Vista hardware Ps and Corel Painter licenses.

But thank you for adding information on the comments.

Jakob Thoböll - R.I.P. Natenom

@davidrevoy I see. Didn't get, that the complete talk is about biography.
I am sorry.

IN case of my biography, The discovery of Darktable as an alternative to lightroom was the last important step to finally completly leave Windumb.

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