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this is deeply embarrassing. I have lists of their duckduckgo and google searches for the programming problems they were having building this product.

no programmer should ever have that personal shame shared with the world. let alone included on every microSD card your company ships!


oh sweet jesus

they automatically scp up some logs to a server somewhere. Did they set up keys so that authorized devices could log in automatically without passwords?



I have a file here with multiple lines like:

sudo sshpass -p PASSWORDHERE scp /path/system/network.log USERNAME@IPADDRESS:/home/manufacturing/


well I'm putting this away so I don't accidentally hack them.

Polychrome :clockworkheart: replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️
@foone this thread just slowly became worse and worse as I was reading it :blobcatsweat:​
Foone🏳️‍⚧️ replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️

this is one of the many reasons I'm not a security researcher.

it's a target rich environment.

Foone🏳️‍⚧️ replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️

Also I'm a reverse engineer. There's no reverse engineering here!
I unscrewed the box, pulled out the raspi, pulled the SD card out, put it in my laptop, and it automounted. I then looked at some files while making a disgusted face.

That's not reverse engineering! That's just lookin'

Foone🏳️‍⚧️ replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️

Also this isn't the only opsec failure they've made but if I say what the other one is, you might be able to figure out what company this is. And if you can do that, they can too, and they might get mad at me

Wouter Verhelst replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️
Pretty sure they already can with the info you've just written down if they want.

Pretty sure they also don't want, because it would be embarrassing to the extreme for them to come forward after what you just wrote down 😂
Billie Thompson 🦊 replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️

@foone oh my god, this is the real life example of the old joke "it works on my machine" "ok box it up and send it to the data center"

janet_catcus replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️

@foone sounds like a classic "hey guys, im done with the prototype/proof of concept, how is your prese- why is there a desk _between_ our chairs?" scenario

Tony Hoyle replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️

Companies get mad because their security failings are pointed out all the time.. doesn't mean we shouldn't do it.

Joseph replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️
@foone Oh you are absolutely getting a follow after this firecracker of a thread! 💞
nsfw :donor: replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️

@foone Okay, now to the important part: how much was the RPi in a fancy plastic box, and how much per month is it to have that box scp stuff to an Azure account?

Jürgen replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️

@foone #terrypratchett : it is not spying if you have to take few steps back in order not to turn deaf!

JP replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️

@foone That depends a lot on the prosecutor's familiarity with technology and their desire to look tough on cyber crime.

HP van Braam :verified: replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️

@foone half of reverse engineering is thinking to look though! 😄

Peter replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️

@foone Showing my age here, but I will never forget seeing Andrew Tridgell do a live demo of how he reverse engineered BitKeeper during his LCA 2005 keynote.

He ran telnet to connect to the BitKeeper port, and typed "help".

Foone🏳️‍⚧️ replied to Peter

@stibbons that's always a good step: asking for help!

Glen Turner (VK5TU) replied to Peter

@stibbons @foone My favourite bit of that is he then asked the room what he should type next. The entire crowd 'reverse engineered' Biitkeeper in minutes, the entire demo undercutting all the accusations that Tridge was doing something Uber-nefarious requiring 133t hacking skills.

That was also the year of Stevens versus Sony, the High Court of Australia decision which allowed defeat of DRM and reverse engineering to achieve interoperability.

🗦new🗧 FireFly replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️

@foone idk, *un*screwing boxes? that sounds like engineering in reverse to me,

eviloatmeal replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️
@foone It's not breaking and entering when the house has no doors in the door frames. And no walls.
Dasha Sierra replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️

@foone You know, I never get bored of your tech adventures. Stay awesome. 💜

Esmé Ciredutemps replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️

@foone i don't really understand completely what is explained but i read the thread as an excellent investigation and thriller movue. Thank you.

Gabriel Pettier replied to Esmé

@ciredutempsEsme @foone well, it's as much an investigation as visiting a flat and immediately discovering the remains of a meth-lab operation, with unattended unstable chemicals.

I suspect the team for that was one dev that hacked it together and cut all the corners until they got a smooth circle.

Ben Aveling replied to Esmé

@foone @ciredutempsEsme ask, and we shall try to answer. Any question you have, someone else has the same question but is afraid to ask.

Esmé Ciredutemps replied to Ben

@BenAveling @foone
It would be too many questions and I guess i would fond the answer looking on the internet si i won't bother you but a big thank you for thé proposition

Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell: replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️
@foone Kind of thing that is so bad I kind of wonder if it's a really weird attempt at an honeypot.
#wafuposting enjoyer replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️
Skyr replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️

@foone is it a hack if they willingly hand over the passwords? 🤔

gunstick replied to Skyr

@skyr @foone it is a hack because using the hackertool "linux" enabled to read the SD.
The SD is not readable on a "normal" computer.
So clearly illegal hacking.

Skyr replied to gunstick

@gunstick @foone And most likely he used less! less is more than more, this is really bad!! 😂


@foone this is truly amazing. it's very unfortunate that you can't just post it all because the individual engineers will get blamed, rather than their incandescently irresponsible management

propapanda :verified:

@foone it would have made very little difference if they shipped a key instead of a password, but these people clearly don't know what they are doing

Foone🏳️‍⚧️ replied to propapanda

@panda could have individual keys per device and revoke them as the devices leave service. as it is, they can't do that without changing the passwords on every device

propapanda :verified: replied to Foone🏳️‍⚧️

@foone they totally could have and instead of ssh they could have used mqtt with some basic acls which would have prevent reading other people's location, but also save the overhead of the ssh handshake

Asta [AMP] ohhhhh no

no no no no

no to all of this but no to this

Eva Winterschön

@foone lol, yep... here's another vector:

I buy a decent amount of used enterprise hardware on ebay. guess how many former owner's ssh logins, smtp relays, bmc logins that I've come across? hahaha it's a lot.


@foone lol better not talk about a company who sells emmbedded circuits for satellites, a friend checked two recently, boards where dirty as ***, covered in flux residue, lots of solder microballs hanging around (meaning they used too much solder paste and didn't follow their supplier's recommendations on solder masks) and bad solders making the board not functional without rework. Top space-grade shit, everything is fine 😅
If we find products this bad on aerospace devices, I am not surprised that it's even worse in IoT ...

@foone lol better not talk about a company who sells emmbedded circuits for satellites, a friend checked two recently, boards where dirty as ***, covered in flux residue, lots of solder microballs hanging around (meaning they used too much solder paste and didn't follow their supplier's recommendations on solder masks) and bad solders making the board not functional without rework. Top space-grade shit, everything is fine 😅
If we find products this bad on aerospace devices, I am not surprised that...


@randagodron they've got the excuse that no one will be able to tell, because their shit will be hiding in orbit


@foone yeah, with the microballs floating around 😛 if only it was not bad enough that it did not work at all and the customer was forced to check the boards before launch ...


@foone This is basically Yes Man from Fallout New Vegas. If you open the door he’s just sitting there with root access to everything, waiting for a command.


@foone holy dang that sounds… so bad. Just really, really bad. And Python 2??

Damn. Whatever you’re looking at I pray I don’t own one…

Martin Hamilton

@foone Galaxy brain take: Massive screwup or highly distributed redundant backup? :blobfoxwink:

(had similar experience exploring the monitoring appliance for my solar panels)

Agnieszka R. Turczyńska

@foone There is this old addage about "works on my computer" and docker...

Category M7GNG

Developer: "it works on my machine"
Manager: "yes, but we can't sell your computer to every customer"
Developer: "can't we?" [[SD card cloning intensifies]]

Laukidh :ablobcool:

@foone 🤦‍♂️ they might want to push a patch that does some… cleanup.

Brett Haines

@foone I've made dev VMs for internal use and it can be easy to miss some temp files or logs or something like that, but this is crazy. Also this might be my favorite thread I've seen on this app.

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