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Hannu Ikonen

@clive Recurrent concussive
blast injury? Term i just made up but would fit


@hannu_ikonen @clive
AKA Shell Shock
It would be interesting to model and animate the damage as the wave travels through the interfaces between the different densities and elasticities of brain tissue.
Not too dis-similar to RF, seismic and optical wave analysis.
It would probably only take me about ten years these days.


@zl2tod @hannu_ikonen @clive


Wow, just wow... This REALLY does not bode well, for anyone who's been shooting a whole lot of guns and the people around them.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@violetmadder @zl2tod @hannu_ikonen @clive less like that - because we humans are surrounded by loud sounds for most of our existance as a species...

I'd rather suspect something like #Sonar exposure instead cuz that shit can turn peoples brains into tomato soup...


@kkarhan @zl2tod @hannu_ikonen @clive

The only common thing I can think of in nature that causes actual explosive shockwaves, is lightning. Thunder is about as loud as a gunshot, but nobody is holding it at arms' length on full auto.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@violetmadder @zl2tod @hannu_ikonen @clive yes and no.

Cuz OFC there's ear protection and if it was vibrations and just normal harsh noise there would've been sufficient samples before...

I'd still bet it's #Sonar given that even remotely hearing one is considered a "GTFO the water - NOW!" thing in terms of diving because that sonar can turn one's brain into Bolognese Sauce before the sonar operators even realize they're close to a diving spot...


@kkarhan @violetmadder @zl2tod @hannu_ikonen @clive If sonar does that to people, it must be hurting whales too.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@skry @violetmadder @zl2tod @hannu_ikonen @clive OFC it does...

Guess why we see whales getting beached shortly.after submarine traffic went up...

- This ain't like the humming and vibrations of.offshore wind generators and propellers / engines - those are annoying but not loud to the point that one can get hospitalized from the sound unless one barely misses getting their skull split by a propeller blade...

#Sonar can and did kill the point that any diver deployment will get repeatedly signalled on ships and subs every few minutes with the explicit order to keep the Active Sonar off until imstructed otherwise...

@skry @violetmadder @zl2tod @hannu_ikonen @clive OFC it does...

Guess why we see whales getting beached shortly.after submarine traffic went up...

- This ain't like the humming and vibrations of.offshore wind generators and propellers / engines - those are annoying but not loud to the point that one can get hospitalized from the sound unless one barely misses getting their skull split by a propeller blade...


@kkarhan @zl2tod @hannu_ikonen @clive

Firearms are not "normal harsh noise", and earplugs won't protect your brain. The shockwave is a concussive blast that travels through the whole body in an abrupt strike.

Sonar is a whole other separate issue.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@violetmadder @zl2tod @hannu_ikonen @clive I disagree since then we'd see the same issue with #Jackhammers and other pneumatic powertools...

Ear protection works because you ain't firing the gun in an uncompressable medium (i.e. water)...

With sonar the person is encased in an uncompressable medium and thus the energy is undampenable...


Has anyone looked to see if the issue occurs in people using jackhammers?
@violetmadder @hannu_ikonen @clive


@violetmadder @zl2tod @hannu_ikonen @clive

Ya don’t say?

Seriously I met Stephen Paddock the Vegas shooter it was all about gambling losses - his words, they were cheating, long story.

We talked about gambling and odds and I largely forgot about his anger - until I happened across a comment from someone else with the same basic circumstances - except they talked about guns.

Circumstantially provable.

Nobody at the FBI or Las Vegas law enforcement or MGM Resorts wanted to acknowledge it.


@violetmadder @zl2tod @hannu_ikonen @clive the article seems to imply its more about mortar and artillery blasts then small arms. being around a gun going off is very different then being around a piece of field artillery

Charlie Stross

@zl2tod @hannu_ikonen @clive "Shell shock" was the first world war era term for what today we call PTSD. Medical terminology evolves over time! (Cf. the US Supreme Court saying "abortion didn't happen in the 18th century b/c newspapers didn't mention it". Well no shit, but there were a *lot* of medicines for "regulating the courses" i.e. restarting a stopped menstrual cycle.)

@cstross @clive @hannu_ikonen @zl2tod Although it is interesting to wonder how much of an influence this sort of damage had in making things worse on top of that.

@cstross @hannu_ikonen @clive
I think Shell Shock was used to cover both conditions. There was no differentiation at the time.


@zl2tod @hannu_ikonen @clive @violetmadder
First you'd need the mechanical properties of those tissues. And being closely affiliated with people researching that, let me tell you, that brain matter is quite weird. Highly anisotropic, non-Newtonian. I'm currently working on an OCT elastography systems with which we intend to measure the mechanical properties of various brain tissue in-vivo during brain tumor surgeries.


@andygates @zl2tod @hannu_ikonen @clive @violetmadder

Actually it's more like gelatinous ketchup. Behaves like jelly if undisturbed, but liquefies non-homogeneously under stress.


@zl2tod @hannu_ikonen @clive @violetmadder

Here's the latest publication from our group doing the elastography research:

@zl2tod @hannu_ikonen @clive @violetmadder I was thinking shellshock too but I don't think that's the same at all. That's more extreme trauma from thinking you're going to die any second now over a long period of time
Clive Thompson

@DelilahTech @zl2tod @hannu_ikonen @violetmadder


And as several folks here have noted, despite being a very dated term it's surprisingly accurate here -- these are literally physical brain injuries caused by shock waves from shells

Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

@hannu_ikonen @clive opera singers are often considered canaries in the coal mine

It takes a lot of resources to keep us together and then in times of scarcity, the singers desperate to sing Will go through anything to do it.

But, throughout the last 150 years there has been a definite measurable decline in the capacity of singers

If you have heard of Ethel merman, an old vaudevillian whose name escapes me, but whose voice dwarfed merman said that voices were declining 'because of the bombs'

Shaula Evans

@voxofgod @hannu_ikonen @clive I am pausing in awe to consider what it would mean for a voice to eclipse Merman's. Wow.

Si Dawson

@voxofgod @hannu_ikonen @clive Are you perchance thinking of Sophie Tucker, "The Last of the Red Hot Mamas"?

Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

@sidawson @hannu_ikonen @clive

Perhaps... It's a coach of mine that lived in her building I think.... And he just said it tossing it off

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