@TheBreadmonkey Show Moses a golden calf and this happens.
@TheBreadmonkey this, but it's Jesus, and you've got something
@TheBreadmonkey if you need quotes https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/lord-of-all-the-law
@TheBreadmonkey@beige.party draw an ascii art horse
@TheBreadmonkey @binaryphile
Religion is so awful, but I LOVE that movie.
To call him Bobby Tables is actually not far off.
Lol. Bobby tablets.
@TheBreadmonkey Moses; DROP TABLE '*.*';
Moses! Drop a BEAT
@mehdi_benadel @TheBreadmonkey cf. "History of the World, Part 1"
"The Lord gives you these fiftee... Ten! Ten commandments"
@TheBreadmonkey Now I'm picturing Moses Mic/Staff Dropping
YOU SHALL....... (not?)...... DANCE!
@TheBreadmonkey *Skrillex in rags with spinning stones in the background* Booooom WomwomWomwom Booom
@TheBreadmonkey no, that was Jesus :p
@TheBreadmonkey That's pretty much every "prophet's" scam, isn't it?
@TheBreadmonkey Jesus tried that in the NT. The crazy caucus of the evangelicals ignored him.
@TheBreadmonkey Gen(esis) AI
The AIngels of the lord
Another damn open source bible. Just set the damn variable to zero, ok?
@TheBreadmonkey this one wins the Internet... Charlton Huston for A.I.!
If you never read the alt text on images... you really should on this one.
@TheBreadmonkey The omission of this essential commandment in the Bible is proof it was written after the invention of zero.
@TheBreadmonkey TIL: the philonic division is an example of prompt engineering
@TheBreadmonkey Show Moses a golden calf and this happens.