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Dixie Philon

@StephenTallentyre @catsalad

Train in the video: I want 2(infinite) people dead.

Jeff Grigg

@PhDee @StephenTallentyre @catsalad

I'm also for "slipping the switch," as shown in the video.

But I expect that with the tracks diverging, as shown in the image above, it can't be long before a forced derailment.


@nazokiyoubinbou @StephenTallentyre @catsalad
I bet there's one where the tracks are fractals and your best strategy is switching to the track with higher fractal dimension


@StephenTallentyre @catsalad I've tried to follow this but somewhere around the last few words my brain goes

Lynn Grant

@StephenTallentyre @catsalad I like this!

I believe, though that the solution to the trolley problem doesn’t involve flipping the switch, which is probably locked anyway (or, if it is an old interlocking system, is controlled remotely).

The solution is to stand in the middle of the tracks. The trolley driver will slam on the brakes. Just before the trolley would hit you, you jump off the tracks. The trolley is now going slowly enough to stop before running over anybody.

Retro Goth Bunny

@StephenTallentyre So you're saying we should do multi-track drifting to get the largest infinity of kills?


@StephenTallentyre @catsalad @jripley since ℝ contains ℤ, would multi-track drifting run over more than or the same amount as taking only the bottom track? 🤔

Stephen G. Tallentyre

@0x56 @catsalad @jripley

I don't understand set theory, lol. Is this one of those "Does the set of all sets that do not contain themselves, contain itself?" type questions, or…?


@StephenTallentyre @catsalad I know it's not the point, but - send it down the one with bigger gaps between people so they are run over more slowly, so if anyone in future works out how to stop the infinite hell railway fewer people will have succumbed 🙂

Tom Ritchford

@StephenTallentyre @catsalad If the picture is "as shown", then pulling the lever is correct.

On the left hand side, if the trolley travels any finite distance, it will kill infinitely many people.


@StephenTallentyre @catsalad Lock the lever in the midway position, causing the tram to derail :P

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