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I made a website. it's called "one million checkboxes dot com". it has one million checkboxes on it.

checking a box checks it for everyone.

that's it. have fun!


@kwramm Don't give him ideas, he'll do it. Have you seen this dude breaktime game?

Danny Blue

@eieio you should edit the post to include it!

Sumukha S

@eieio Did you host it on your local machine?

183231bcb The fact that this site works perfectly with CSS disabled is really really appreciated!

Guillaume Ross

@eieio big 90s vibe! (That’s a compliment!)


@eieio the checkers are coming. There is no escape.

Tony Dewan

@eieio I was writing a script to check them all, reloaded to make sure I had up to date state, and now I get socket errors. Presumably you have lots of connections...or a very sophisticated anti-cheating filter. :)


@tonydewan @eieio probably The latter given the site got a Fedi hug of death 😅

Lulu · לולו

@melontini @eieio Awesome!

(but script kiddo could replace the callback of setTimeout with an arrow function and even remove the curly braces)


@eieio for some reason it's not loading for me, I'm getting secure connection failed errors, or a blank page. I assume that it might be because it's under heavy load right now?


@eieio I did not expect to see bubble wrap the mmo, or that it'd include pvp :sickos: :sickos2:


@eieio this is like whack-a-mole x 1,000,000

Valentin C.

@eieio please... Don't start another internet war...


@eieio How likely this is going to turn into pixel art ?

Andres "🧠🐛✊" Salomon

@moira @Sobex @eieio I tried "help me I'm trapped in a checkbox factory", but people kept unchecking it. Best I could do was this

Solarbird :flag_cascadia:

@Andres4NY @Sobex @eieio it's fun to take things that are accidentally almost words and make the into words

Solarbird :flag_cascadia:

@Andres4NY @Sobex @eieio this one was like... not this and I don't think anyone was trying for this but it was so close I could get it built before people broke it


@eieio I just checked 22 (2 2 2 2 in different colours) boxes. Yes, fun!

verbrecher ☑️

@claushoumann , sometime in some places the work in infosec is like… 👆🙂😀😐😕🙁😞

# a threat_box vector checkers


@eieio Why are some of the boxes outlined in a color?

Benjamin Wheeler

@rochelle @eieio I think it just makes for a game: Find the colored checkbox. It keeps track of how many boxes you've (un)checked by color, so you can see how many greens you have checked, I guess...


@benjamin_segfaulted_again @rochelle

Hi, sorry to be late to this, this....blew up more than i expected.

I colored some boxes randomly because I thought it'd be interesting to see whether people checked them more. It's totally arbitrary. People do seem to check them more. So Benjamin is right :)

Benjamin Wheeler

@eieio @rochelle I look forward to seeing some statistics about behaviors on your site in the future!

ame :v_blobcat:

@eieio omg what are the checkboxes with color borders all about?

Luca Fabbri

@eieio is the status of checkboxes persisted on the blockchain? That would be a great use of the technology!

Dr. bar. met. Paul B.

@eieio You can all stop now. I did the important part.


@joschtl @eieio someone vandeled it withing 20 minutes.

Dr. bar. met. Paul B.

@Hunterrules0_o *sigh* yes, FCKing NZS is a process, not a state.

On the plus side, it seems to be some script that is checking boxes – not a person actively vandalizing it.



You have checked 2000 (12 20 24 19) boxes
Yes, i am kinda bored....

Saurabh Wanivadekar

@eieio the first section of checkboxes that fits in a phone screen is the most active, the frontlines one would say


@AwkwardChips @eieio

Alas! People have hours-ago discovered that one can put 420420 and 696969 into the jump box. (-:

I went to 600000, as Veritasium has taught us that that is the sort of pick-a-number choice that few others will make.


Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@eieio oh, so you've created the average vendor cookie opt out form

adam solove

@eieio This is so wonderful and I now need to delete it from my memory so I don't waste any further time.

miv λ :cube:

people liking this and i see the asymmetric gaps on the edge everytime 😭


@eieio Must resist urge to draw rude pictures.


@eieio where do we write the lyrics of never gonna five you up?


@eieio Now to see how long it's gonna stay there before it's gone




@eieio this is so chaotic neutral

Paul Turnbull :CApride:

@eieio I made a half-assed TARDIS but it's fun because someone else was hitting the boxes too so every now and then boxes would check and uncheck in bulk.

Stéphanie It tells me to "CHILL LOL" ​:blobbee_laugh_tears:​ Sorry!

aburka 🫣

@eieio thanks my laptop was running a bit cool, this fixed it right up

Nick Drage

@eieio interesting design choice to let people recheck existing cleared boxes, I look forward to seeing what happens to this....

Danny Boling ☮️


well this is the biggest time-waster I've seen in a while..... thanks!! 👍 🤩

Lufty Foxyloon

@eieio I left my mark, let's see if anyone can find it~ :blobfoxlaugh:

Lufty Foxyloon

@eieio That didn't take long :blobfoxlaughsweat:

For the record, I added the LOL and arrow


@eieio I've made my contribution... HI MOM


@eieio friggin uncheckers cant tolerate minimal expressions of art

Ethan :verified_flashing:


Love it, thanks for sharing.

For curious minds, some related prior art, and the cultural elements that appeared, collaborated, and battled:

#PixelArt #RPlace


@eieio this is so whimsical and silly and literally what the internet needs more of!
Loving your experiments! :D

Karl Dandleton 🖋

@eieio doing my part by setting the TTP clock back to zero

Aral Balkan

@Adrian @eieio Nice! :) What’d you build it in? I’d love to compare the code (could make a good case study) :)

Ludwig Behm

@eieio But what is the recommended screen size?

Eric Schutte

@eieio @IAmDannyBoling Interesting game. I created the word HELLO. Twice someone tried to remove it but at the moment it is still there.
Waiting for someone to reply !!! 😊

Danny Boling ☮️


I wrote "Danny was here" but before I could even finish, people were undoing my work lol. But it was still fun knowing that others could see what I was doing in realtime.


Eric Schutte

@eieio @IAmDannyBoling Mastodon works !!!!
The site is down (too many Mastodonners?) 😁

Eric Schutte

@eieio @IAmDannyBoling No, it’s back again but with 0 boxes checked !!!!

Hot Dog Water


Like the ultimate Minesweeper without any of the tension. 😊


@eieio ooh next you could add some mines! One of the checkboxes unchecks them all 🤣@b0rk

Chris Harrington ☕✨

@eieio Momentarily I wanted this to be a defrag simulator.

Yer ol' Pal Gordo

@eieio Love it. This has 2000s internet energy in spades.


Wrote my alias on 444444


Make the line length fixed then it would be a way to draw and write messages.


@eieio Doesn't seem to work on Firefox for Android. It says 0 boxes are checked, and they are all, indeed, unchecked.

joel b

@eieio could add a feature to export the current board as Conway's Game of Life initial condition

sodigay :pride_heart: can this be used to tunnel arbitrary data between two internet-connected computers? sounds like it'd be a fun challenge to be able to multiplex this in any way at all, as well as being able to handle data redundancy since anyone can toggle the checkboxes during transmission


@eieio How quickly does our activity sync with the server?

I notice that when I check an empty box it is often instantly cleared.

Unchecking a box, or undoing the efforts of another is a different thought process from checking a box that was empty.

So in this case, I am wondering if the person who cleared my checkbox meant to undo my work or if they were themselves attempting to fill an empty box and the timing between us caused them to clear "my" check instead. And vice versa.

Michel Bozgounov 🇺🇦

@eieio Reminds me of the "One million pixels" website from a while ago. Each pixel was sold for one dollar. :)

Zorro Notorious MEB 😡

@eieio I like it! Ticks that don't spread disease! 😉

The Hand That Feeds

@eieio I have discovered the secret of the colour boxes and I am ready to pounce *maniacal cackle*

This is very whimsical. I love it.

Astryr the Cyber-Swynwraig

@eieio its cute!!!!! unfortunately, i give it 1 week before its swamped with swastikas :/

Adam R. Wood

@eieio Just fought off someone putting in a swastika live.

Tats :disability_flag:

@Zotmeister @eieio lord. This is why humans can't have nice things. Thank you for your actions 😊

Adam R. Wood

@eieio Also, found someone started a Sierpiński gasket - about two-thirds done - and I finished the job. It even held long enough to screencap it:


@eieio Is it the new minesweeper ?


@eieio I just had a vicious fight with someone over a checkbox. Eventually we both ended up just spam-clicking it.

Good times.

Fabi :trans_verify: :nb_verify:
something like this with selenium?

while b<1000000:
      if EC.alert_is_present(): 
         alert = driver.switch_to.alert
      box = driver.find_element(By.ID, "checkbox-"+str(b))
      if not box.is_selected():
it would be more fun without the spam protection, i want to play bad apple on this.

AriSunDog, Beige Version!

@eieio I could only do this when it wasn't loading properly on my iPad, Fun! 🤣🤣🤣

Michael Halligan 🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

@eieio Reminds me of a high school student who made $1m on a website called “Pixelpage” where he made a grid of 1m “pixels” and sold each for $1.


@eieio Getting a lot of 500s, this got popular, eh? 😅

Joe Groove

@eieio already obsessed, it's like digital bubble wrap

Eric Schutte

@eieio HMMMMM, and what is the function of the colored checkboxes?
When you claim a colored checkbox it adds up …….
You can not claim a colored checkbox by unchecking it and checking it again …….


@ptoothfish @eieio

Not everyone has the same WWW browser window width. Which adds extra work for the hide/find naughty messages/images crowds, of course.

Matt York | stackdump.eth


How'd the server stack work during load? is it open source?

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