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I made a website. it's called "one million checkboxes dot com". it has one million checkboxes on it.

checking a box checks it for everyone.

that's it. have fun!

Solarbird :flag_cascadia:

@eieio this first page would make an amazing blinkinlights driver


@eieio my husband's contribution to this glorious project

Phil Barker

@eieio this is nothing compared to LinkedIn's unsubscribe options :-)

liilliil 🇫🇯🇱🇨

@eieio совсем кукуха поехала что ли?


@eieio I checked off checkbox #485216, my legacy!

Ulrik Nyman ⬡

@eieio No boxes are checked for me in my mobile browser

Jim Avery

@UlrikNyman @eieio me neither! Will be fun when it works. Until then I'll carry on watching those dancing hampsters.


@eieio tooManyUsersOnOneMillionCheckboxes

Jim Avery

@eieio I think it says a lot about the state of #ukpolitics that I'm playing with this rather than listen to Sunak and Starmer on the #bbcdebate


@eieio @ljrk don’t forget to become a certified checkbox unchecker first! cc @mubix



It is interesting to look at the reactions in the handful of hours so far:

On the FediVerse, most repliers are posting images of the patterns/messages that they made.

On Reddit, most repliers are merely saying "cool!" and suchlike.

On Hacker News, most repliers are either talking about server load or posting JavaScript that they have written to mass-(un)check all boxes & talking about the rate limiting.

So it looks like it is the Hacker News people who are erasing the FediVerse art.



Amusingly, all three groups are perplexed by the coloured boxes.

I am half tempted to start a rumour that clicking the gold or purple boxes also triggers the execution of a hidden piece of the JavaScript. (-:

I wonder how many people are looking at that huge table in the code and trying to discern a mathematical pattern in it.


@JdeBP It's about what you'd expect though. Hacker News is like the 4Chan of the tech world.


@eieio imo, it'd be cool if the amount of checkboxes per line was consistent across screensizes so people can draw and stuff consistently


@max this is intentional! we've had plenty of collaborative drawing experiences. I wanted something different.


@eieio oh, that makes sense. out of curiosity, what kind of stuff were you expecting to see?


@max I guess I'm not really sure! I really thought i'd get a few hundred players tops, so mostly I thought I'd get some people checking randomly and some people botting. We're way out of what I could have anticipated (beyond the fascination some people have with the colored boxes)


@eieio Nice! This is the digital version of popping bubble wrap! :MOULE_Happy:


@eieio this is how people will loose entire afternoons just like when we find a roll of bubble wrap

Wonder how many people uncheck em while people check em

Frank Heijkamp

@eieio Make sure this site is accessible from the 'check' republic. #Czechia

Jake 🇵🇸

@eieio so cool! Can you explain how you built this? And also how 1M checkboxes don’t obliterate my browser..


@jacobdewitz hi I am still trying to keep the server up (the site blew up!) so not a lot of time to explain but the basic details are over on and the trick for checkboxes is only rendering the ones in view.



wait some people are going through and UNCHECKING boxes! argh! 😅

ratman ($8 blue check mark)

@eieio This is the best thing on the internet since the big red button that does nothing.


@eieio Oh, a minimalistic cookie banner!

Bugbear Butch

@eieio I cleared some random lines and watched them fill in again but when I spelled out "hi" it remained up so that was interesting. It may be gone by now though.

Tony Vladusich


You are clearly insane, lol, I love it!

ark (28904) it wrote "trans rights" and it got deleted ​:neocat_floof_sad:​



it has entered the arena of the unwell

Johannes Hentschel

WARNING: Not recommended for people with OCD! Don't get started!! I will have warned you!!!

Very recommended for anyone loves whack-a-mole. Probably the first version that lets you be the mole...


@eieio OK, so I got ridiculously invested in finding all the colors and getting at least one. :-p Thank you!


@eieio This is how we should decide the Presidential election. If all of the boxes get checked, Biden wins. If they all get unchecked, Trump wins. If that doesn’t happen, then whoever has the most by Election Day wins.

ExperiencersInternational fun website! tried checking off some boxes myself earlier when Jeff Geerling posted about it.

sucks that I saw two slurs though

James Akers

@eieio there is now another arrow at block 222222


@eieio Fun idea, but what happens if someone runs checkboxes.forEach(c => { c.checked = true; });? The website may need an anti-cheat :P

Dr. jonny phd

Whoa limited edition green checkboxes I am jealous

The Turtle

@eieio were you around for the "Million Dollar Homepage" years ago? A million-pixel image you could buy chunks of for whatever you wanted to display, for a dollar a pixel.

That was a long time ago.


@the_turtle I was too young to participate but certainly read about it as a kid and loved it! inspiring for sure


@eieio Somehow reminded of this piece of internet history.

Annelies Kamran

@eieio this is like self- renewing bubble wrap 👀👏🏽


@eieio I do love the idea of checking -1 red boxes.


@eieio How did you make it? Is the source code on github or something?


@sashin code's not online but i'll do a writeup when things calm down


@eieio This game appears to be going viral, your poor cache.


@eieio just found your strangers staring game and was totally weird to a stranger who was at least a little amused!

Christian Kent

@eieio I've been on this for 5 minutes and still haven't found a landmine ???

Thang Do

I love this.

It could easily be a very fun "system design" interview questions.

quoting your own comment:
"this is....more popular than i expected. the server's gonna be having some problems for a while"


@eieio How many people are on there simultaneously? It's crazy. 😹


@joeyhagedorn love the led board :)

(and yes, place is great!)


@eieio with the internet so old, how has this not been done before? Don’t answer its rhetorical.


@eieio The most useful site on whole planet :})


@eieio feature request: add an "select / unselect all" button 🙂


You positioned each checkbox with INLINE STYLES? That is insane.


@eieio real quotes from my discord server:

"oh shit this game is pvp"

"This looks like an attack on people with ADD."

wear these with pride, you cooked


@eieio very nice - but it won't load :'( I see a load of "batch action" in the console, so seems like things are working, just not rendering. Chrome/Firefox on Ubuntu.


@eieio nevermind, got it to load, but not every time. will go and check some boxes!

Alvaro Montoro

@eieio fun project. Reminds of the early internet. You should present it to the tiny awards (if they organize them again).

How did you get one million checkboxes to work? I tried having a few thousand once for a CSS game and the browser would crash miserably 😓

Alvaro Montoro

@eieio I just saw nominations for this year's awards have been closed already


@alvaromontoro I submitted another project of mine (!

maybe next year

(and the trick with the checkboxes is only rendering the ones in view)

Johannes Hentschel

We won!!! It is peak check time. 1000091/1000000 checked!


@johentsch sorry there was a bug and it happened while i was asleep lol


@eieio Someone is randomly unchecking boxes while I am trying to fill in the checkboxes and it's giving me anxiety. :yayblob: :yayblob:


@eieio Federated hug of death is killing your poor server, lol

Owen H.

@eieio Now make it do Conway's game of life, but like at random with every 'turn' between 5 and 30 minutes long

Brad J. Murray (he)

@eieio While I like that some projects are respected in the checkiverse, there is at least one swastika project that is an unfortunate inevitability of a public graffiti space.

Thomas Blätte

@eieio some people mentioned r/place, but does anybody still remember the million dollar homepage?

ferdinand peer

@eieio i totally love this. sweet pure and simple. Maybe you like my "framed" which debuted in 1996:


@eieio nice! It’s very fast paced, very hard to spell out LOL


@eieio Looks like bubble-wrap in dark souls mode. :D

Ed Hurtley

@eieio I had a nice pattern going. Full width, 10 rows tall, diagonal lines every 3 spaces. Was adding an 11th row when others found my spot.

MicroBlog Castellano

@eieio Even when jumping to a random checkbox over 20000, someone unchecks what you check.

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