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Danny Blue

@eieio you should edit the post to include it!

Sumukha S

@eieio Did you host it on your local machine?

183231bcb The fact that this site works perfectly with CSS disabled is really really appreciated!

Guillaume Ross

@eieio big 90s vibe! (That’s a compliment!)

Aroop Roelofs :verified:

@phaedral Guess I'm not the only one that thought about bubble wrap!



@eieio the checkers are coming. There is no escape.

Tony Dewan

@eieio I was writing a script to check them all, reloaded to make sure I had up to date state, and now I get socket errors. Presumably you have lots of connections...or a very sophisticated anti-cheating filter. :)


@tonydewan @eieio probably The latter given the site got a Fedi hug of death 😅

Aroop Roelofs :verified:

@wiredfire Should have made it federated. :s

(oh god, imagine the amount of traffic that would generate)

@tonydewan @eieio

Lulu (she) · לולו (היא)

@melontini @eieio Awesome!

(but script kiddo could replace the callback of setTimeout with an arrow function and even remove the curly braces)


@eieio for some reason it's not loading for me, I'm getting secure connection failed errors, or a blank page. I assume that it might be because it's under heavy load right now?


@eieio I did not expect to see bubble wrap the mmo, or that it'd include pvp :sickos: :sickos2:


@eieio this is like whack-a-mole x 1,000,000


Man, this is like some crap you'd see on the Internet back in its heyday before it went corporate. Just some nerd being like "I figured out how to do this with Internet technology, I'mma put it out there and see what madness it brings."


@swashberry @eieio
Now thanks to the corporate Internet interpreting EU GDPR in the worst way possible, we get this crap on every website.

I wish whenever a user unchecked one of the thousand vendor advertising cookie opt-in boxes it would uncheck it for everyone on that site.

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