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Alexey Skobkin

I don't really get all that saltiness. It's not a bad article and it's a free advertisment for the Fediverse.

- They're not trying to hide that fedi is not their new shiny innovative invention
- They're pointing that you can interact with their users accounts without having account on their services
- They're telling that it gives more choices to the user
- They're giving quite good examples what Fediverse and interoperability mean. Almost exact the same examples I was using when I needed to explain to people who are not tech savvy.

Considering that with or without this article they will still work on their services, I like the option where they write this article more.


@skobkin in fairness, I don't think @drq said anything about the *article* :blobcatthinksmart:

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@dside Nah, I just find irony in the fact they are writing about it. The article's almost completely fine, if not for them carefully omitting the fact of the Fediverse being developed specifically as the solution to the problem their company created and stands to profit from in the first place.



@drq @skobkin one thing I find a little odd about it is that you both capitalize (as in, start with a capital letter; languages, amirite) "Fediverse", whereas they use "fediverse", as an improper/common noun. :blobcatthinkingglare:


@drq quite possibly! I just find the split between different usages amusing.

Oh god, there is a whole article on this.

> This article is about using a capital letter for the word "Internet". For capitalization (in finance) regarding the Internet, see Commercialization of the Internet.
Oh :blobfoxcrylaugh:


Alexey Skobkin

@dside @drq It's just a habit like when we wrote "the Internet" for some time until we stopped doing that.


@skobkin @drq

Apparently, some free software people have a conditioned reflex to throw shit at google, facebook, amazon and other corpos due to their terrible behavior in the past, even if they're doing something useful right now 🤷‍♀️

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