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Matija Nalis

two important points - "theft" would be depriving original owner of the possesion of the book, which this isn't - so it cannot possibly be called "theft" any more than it could be "murder". Secondly, in cases where consent is needed (jurisdiction dependant!), it is asked of copyright owner, NOT of the author (two two are very rarely the same -- the copyright owner is usually some megacoorp which takes all the money and leaves only crumbs, if that, to the author)
@lio @internetarchive


@mnalis @lio @internetarchive You sound like a tech bro justifying sucking in work of others for AI. Authors depend on sales of their books. If some random person decides to buy one book, scan it, then make it avail be for many others, that is theft, however you want to do mental gymnastics to justify it.

Matija Nalis

@CStamp @lio @internetarchive You keep using that word "theft". I don't think it means what you think it means.

If you think something is copyright infringement, then please say that instead (and if possible provide references why you think so). For example, in my little part of the world (#Croatia in #EU), the right of public libraries is enshrined in #Copyright law and does not require any consent of the copyright holders (much less authors). 1/n


@mnalis @lio @internetarchive It is stealing someone's livelihood to take a book, scan it, then make it available to masses of people.

Matija Nalis

@CStamp @lio @internetarchive
Are you aware of the concept of Public Libraries? ? It would seem to me that you either are not aware, or are totally opposed to their existence for some reason? Are you aware that they are part of authors incomes?

Matija Nalis

@CStamp @lio @internetarchive

Any yes, we are taxed for that privilege, and those taxes are supposedly being used to support the said artists. I don't know the situation in Internet Archives jurisdiction, but would like to learn -- without being called names. (and if possible, by someone knowledgeable providing links to back up their claims. If you're interested in my references for #Croatia it's at Ĩlanak 34.) 2/2

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