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STATEMENT ahead of @internetarchive oral arguments in their appeal for the right to own digital books: "The right to read without fear of being punished for what you read has never been more under threat."


We’re fighting to restore access to more than 500,000 books in court this week. You can show your support in a number of ways - learn more πŸ‘‰


How Libraries Make History--that is, piece together the cultural record for the future

with the @internetarchive's Brewster Kahle!

A fun project from the cooperative that brings you @flaminghydra


Did you catch the story about the Wayback Machine on CBS News Sunday Morning? 🌞 David Pogue chatted with @brewsterkahle about archiving the web, and the lawsuits from publishers & the recording industry that threaten our mission & your access to information. Watch now:

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@internetarchive @brewsterkahle

Hands off the Internet Archive! You can only complain if you do an equivalent service to the public as they do! They're doing what you should be doing instead of cowering behind some obscure copyright crap!

AAP: "American publishers fuel the creative economy, advance scholarship and lifelong learning, and promote free expression and the democratic exchange of ideas."

Going after a non-profit organization doesn't sound free or democratic at all.

Storm Light

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle The internet archive is a corpus to the works of humanity. It's downfall would mark the end of internet freedom. Long live the internet archive.


man, i'm thoroughly bummed that the 3 books i wrote are no longer accessible as part of the @internetarchive library. i've purchased so, so many books after discovering them there (or the similarly declawed google books). i've also often used it to quickly reference my own books & others, especially if i'm out in the world & need to look something up. not like a library, actually a library. #books #libraries


HAPPENING TODAY, 9am ET: David Pogue chats with @brewsterkahle about the Wayback Machine on CBS News Sunday Morning 🌞


A few years ago, a kid mourning his dad handed me over 300 DVDs his dad had made of local bands in his London Suburb in the 2010s before passing on. He didn't know what do with them. I did. All of them are up at Internet Archive, hundreds of hours of cover bands playing in a bar, and now, thanks to a volunteer, Ducky, we have them all with dates and descriptions, where known. Enjoy.

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Cluster Fcku

@textfiles With all respect to the kid, the dad and the dedication to archive a remarkable collection, did these bands consent to have their work published online and also exposed to the maelstrom that is AI? Or are we in an era of "we see it, we feed it"?


@textfiles Amazing work! Wonder how the kid is doing today.


@textfiles this post made it to my feed and wow, I had no idea the internet archive was anything other than than just the webpage indexing part. Very cool.


More than 500,000 books have been removed from the Internet Archive's lending library due to the Hachette v. Internet Archive lawsuit, including more than 1,300 banned and challenged titles. πŸ“š Our patrons have shared powerful stories about how this loss has impacted them, and we need your help to make a change.

Sign our open letter to the publishers urging them to restore access to these books. πŸ“–βœοΈ #LetReadersRead


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@internetarchive @joncamfield But if people start reading books they could start thinking. If current events show us anything, it is that no one wants people to think.


I support this cause/your lawsuit. However, I will not intentionally, willingly give my name, email address, and or any other info to again/any more.

Paul Bond

@internetarchive I appreciate the effort to appeal to publishers, but wouldn't it be better to lobby Congress to amend copyright law to give libraries permission to engage in CDL?


What if online platforms were designed with democracy in mind? GOVERNABLE SPACES presents projects doing just thatβ€”building values like transparency, collective decision-making, & accessibility for all into their designs. Learn about ambitious, Bay Area-based projects that enable ordinary users to co-govern their online lives.
πŸ“… June 8 ⏰ 4pm PT 🎟️:


"Saving the First Draft of History:

When news sites suddenly shut down and former URLs are sold to the highest bidder, saving a publisher's archive becomes a time-consuming and rigorous full-time job in the digital age."

nice piece featuring @mark of the Internet Archive Wayback Machine!


πŸ“£Calling all Internet Archive Super Fans! πŸ“£

Do you believe access to information is a human right? Join our Monthly Giving Circle. Power up our preservation efforts with a monthly donation at any level and access all new benefits and perks!


For next week's online #booktalk, join NYU professor Charlton McIlwain for a chat with author & legal scholar Barbara McQuade. We'll cover McQuade's NYT bestseller, ATTACK FROM WITHIN, which rings the alarm about disinformation's impact on democracy. 🎟️


Sorry to say, is under a ddos attack. The data is not affected, but most services are unavailable.

We are working on it & will post updates in comments.

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Simon and/or Garfunkel

@internetarchive This is sad. I love IA. We use it frequently for homeschooling. I hope you’re able to fix it soon.

Timothy Green

@internetarchive We're pulling for you, Archive. Get the perpetrators! πŸ”¨

Terminally shy


This is a bit late and may get lost in the comments, but..

The U.S. presidential elections are fast approaching. I remember internetarchive's valiant preservation work in 2017-18, in the face of the new Trump administration's work to erase U.S. government data.

Nothing would surprise in the dirty tricks department of Trump & friends' efforts this year.

(And DeJoy's still in charge of the U.S. Mail! Why?!)


Interested in the effects of disinformation on democracy? Join our VIRTUAL #booktalk with BARBARA McQUADE, author of the NYT bestseller ATTACK FROM WITHIN. Co-hosted with Authors Alliance.
πŸ“… June 6
⏰ 10am PT / 1pm ET


We invite you to an online salon on the alarming development of the hollowing of the Public Domain through cultural heritage laws with a focus on Italy.

Register here and join us on Tuesday, June 18th, 15:00-16:00 CEST:


Giulia Dore (University of Trento) & Giulia Priora (NOVA School of Law in Lisbon) will present their independent expert opinion which you can already read on our website:


Busily spending part of my weekend enjoying one aspect of my job at the Archive - sorting through uploads of a certain type - in this case, anything calling itself a "Manual". There are hundreds of people uploading a single manual for the most obscure of things, and the style and breadth is amazing.


@textfiles Whoa, that Amstrad printer is a blast from the past!

IA is the first place I'd go for a manual now, no contest.


Why is The Wayback Machine so important for preserving our digital culture? According to new analysis from Pew Research Center:
❌ 38% of webpages that existed in 2013 are no longer accessible
❌ 23% of news webpages contain at least one broken link

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@internetarchive does the wayback machine preserve a snapshot of google reviews? I find that a lot of times businesses remove bad reviews. It would be very helpful to be able to go back in time to see these bad reviews that were removed.

Peter Motte

@internetarchive Does The Wayback Machine accept html files? In other words: do they have room for websites and webpages?


@internetarchive The large language model industy loves the internet achive data sets? What about copyright and data ownership?

Stack overflow questions are okay to be achieved since the answers are in the public domain.[1]

But if a site is bloated trash and the content is locked, please let it die.

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