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Braw :blob_cat_melt: 🏳‍🌈

> people tend to rationalize bad things

How is video autoplay is bad? We're talking muted by default. For me, having videos not autoplay is equivalent to having all pictures hidden behind a content warning. I'm using social media to engage with others' content, I would watch the video anyway. Autoplay reduces unnecessary UI interactions.

> By whom? By whom? Influencers?

Whoever publishing the content. Even not adapted, you'd understand you need to unmute the video easily.


Григорий Клюшников

Braw :blob_cat_melt: 🏳‍🌈,

How is video autoplay is bad?

It wastes your data and makes you do extra actions to watch the video from the beginning (if that's even possible, hi Instagram Reels on the web). Usually the thumbnail and the description are enough for you to decide whether you want to watch the video or not. Autoplaying doesn't help with that. And you still have to click or tap it to unmute it.

Braw :blob_cat_melt: 🏳‍🌈


> It wastes your data
That's why—if you are so concerned about data use—you can turn off autoplay manually or by turning on data saving mode. Not sure about Pixelfed, but on social media videos often are well compressed and offered in several qualities, so it's NABD.

Watching from the beginning has nothing to do with autoplay. It's UI issue, some platforms restart the video when you expand it. YouTube Shorts and TikTok allow to rewind easily.

@dansup [1/2]


> It wastes your data
That's why—if you are so concerned about data use—you can turn off autoplay manually or by turning on data saving mode. Not sure about Pixelfed, but on social media videos often are well compressed and offered in several qualities, so it's NABD.

Watching from the beginning has nothing to do with autoplay. It's UI issue, some platforms restart the video when you expand it. YouTube Shorts and TikTok allow to rewind easily.

Braw :blob_cat_melt: 🏳‍🌈

Thumbnails and descriptions are not a good substitute for video, especially on social media. It's along the lines of ‘I'm not reading allat’—‘I'm not describing my video or photoshopping a thumbnail’. Look at alt text use for example.

> Autoplaying doesn't help with that.

I guess in your experience it doesn't. In my experience, scrolling Twitter and Telegram with autoplay, it's very rare to have to expand a video, or want it be paused ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

@grishka @dansup [2/2]


@brawaru @grishka @dansup default autoplay with ability to turn off might work for users, but for instances it means paying for egress data, a lot. For videos that get scrolled over most of the time.

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